FRIDAY MORNINGTIMES (photos and sooperfun links)
Hi guys!! 😊💜
How is everybuddy doings and stuff!! Are you AOK!!??
I am asking 'cuz my friendlypals at CMHA (The Canadian Mental Health Association) ask peoples that!! Yes!! It is sooper'portant 'cuz truestory for reals, everybuddy needs to hear somebuddy cares 'bout them!! Yup!! Plus did you know?? Me plus Mirabelle care 'bout you guys sooperlots!! Like crazybananas, even!! 💜 YES!! ....................
OH!! Mirabelle is hearing somethings with her big listenator earparts, guys!! We are on the crooked hill to our 'roundthebackyard outside our friendlyfriend PHOEBE THE ENGLISH BULLDOG'S 'partmenthouse, so prolly it was her!! Prolly!! Mirabelle wants to make barkysounds so she will come see us, butt it is still the earlytimes, so.....
that is not what gentlemans plus ladypups do!! Nope!!
"It is times for doing our chores, Mirabelle!! Maybe we will see Phoebe when we go back up the crooked hill to our 'partmenthouse!! Yup!!"............
Anyhoozle, it is the bestest to see you guys for littlebits 'fore our daytimes gets all crazybananas and stuff, guys!! Mum plus Pop are doing so much workerman work allover everywheres, they do not get to hang out so much, so we luvluvlove to hang out with you!!
Shanksh, guys!! Now let's have a looksee at what is goings on and stuff, K? K!!
HERE WE GO-GO-GO!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
Friday, October 28 is...
ASIFA as created the International Animation Day (IAD) in 2002, honouring the first public performance of Emile Reynaud’s Theatre Optique in Paris, on the 28th October 1892.
Since then, ASIFA coordinates and helps promote IAD celebrations all over the world: an unique event that is simultaneously celebrated in several cities over 40 countries, putting the art of animation in the limelight and approaching it to different publics and cultures.
Every day we witness the importance and beauty of animation. It develops and grows as an art form, trough short, media and feature films, signed by independent authors, students, children from all over the world.
Okeedoke, friendlypals!! Times for a 'nother episode of...
Archie Brindleton's NAME THAT PICTUREMOVIE!!
Yup!! I am gonna say some sooperfamous wordybits from a sooperfamous picturemovie, plus YOU try to guess the name of the picturemovie, K? K!! Here we go-go-go!! *AHEM*....
"There is lotsa stuffs that my Pop brainlearned me right in this here room and stuff!! Yup!!
He brainlearned me to keep your friendlypals close, butt the goober dingus' waymorecloser!!"
Did you guess!!?? Awesometimes!! If you do not know yet, check at the bottom of this page!!
If you are artsyfartsy, plus would like to make Archie Art to have put on display in the Arch Gallery, that would be the soopercoolist!!
Just send good picturestories or a copy of your Archie art or even a high res photo Pop can make into a picture painting to... or mail it to:
Unit 15, 467 Baker Street,
london, Ontario, Canada, N6C 1X9
Just for bellychuckles, here is a backflash from when Me plus Mirabelle did bakery with Mum!!
This daytimes's NAME THAT PICTUREMOVIE was...