Hi, everybuddy!! 😊💜
It is soopernice to see your faceparts 'cuz know why!!?? Basically 'cuz we luvluvlove sharing our daytimes with you!! Yup!! That is what friendlypals are for, plus me plus Mirabelle say you guys are the BESTEST friendlypals in all of evertimes!! Truestory!! ..................
That is how come we want to show you what was in our mailingbox!! Check it out:
A whole buncha letterlopes just for us!! We can't even hardly wait to find out who sended them so we can say SHANKSH and stuff!! Wanna look with us!!?? YOU DO!!?? Soopercool!! .................
ooooOOOoooo!! This firstest one is sooperpretty!! ..................
This firstest one is a picturecard allaways from Rivedoux-Plage in the FRANCEplace!! IKNOW!!?? How 'mazing is that, guys!!?? We get to see sooper'mazing picturestories from the whole other side of our marbleworld!! Wonder who it is from!!?? .......................
It is from our FayBo friendlypal MAGDA FUSS!! Yes!! So nice!!
Shanksh, Magdafuss!! You are sooper'mazing for sending us your pretty picturecard!! Now we want to come visit sooperbad 'cuz then we could be inthesameplacefriends too!! 💜💜💜 ...............
Let's keep going, guys!! You read the nextest one, K? K!! ......................
WHOA!! Sooperfun!! This nextest one is a howdycard with a letterlope and everythings!! Plus there is a rollypoly bully puppy with lotsa candybits!! Hee hee!! It is for the Halloweeningtimes, guys!! That is soopercool!! Not so many peoples send Halloweeningtimes, howdycards!! Wonder who it is from and stuff!!??.....................
It is from JOSIE THE PUG, everybuddy!! That is awesometimes!! Plus her whole entire familypack too!! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! That is punching me in the emotions, for reals!!
Shanksh, Josie!! You are a soopernice puppypal, that is for reals!! 💜💜💜 ............................
Guys!! The nextest one is just for MIRABELLE!! Soopercool!! ...................
WOWZERS!! A spooky tree full-up with pumpykins!! It is a 'nother Halloweeningtimes howdycard!! This is 'MAZING!! ............................
It is from our bestest friendlypal KATHY ASPINALL!! I like the way her scribblybits have a smileyface on them!! Hee hee!!
OH!! There is a whole 'NOTHER teensy letterlope inside!! Plus somethings ELSE too!! ..............
Great googilymoogily!! This is crazybananas soopernice of MissKathy, butt sending dollarpennies is waytoomuch for reals!! Golly!!
Shanksh, MissKathy!! Your HappyHeart is full up with lovings for us, so we 'ppreciate the dollarpennies you sent, plus Mirabelle says she will make sure she takes me plus Mum plus Pop to Kamoka Trails just like you say, K? K!! 💜 💜 💜........................
This lastest one is inna letterlope just like the last one, butt this times it is for ME!! ..................
SOOPERCOOL!! It is a juniorperson dressed up all witchypoo plus I am thinkingthoughts a FRENCHIE DRESSED UP LIKE A SPOOKYPERSON!! Yes!! Hee hee!! ...............
Lotsa lovings for you too, MissKathy!! H💜 H💜 H💜
UH-OH!! There is a 'nother teensy letterlope in my howdycard too!! Prolly that means.........
DUBBLEGOLLY and everythings!!
Truestory for reals no joshing seriousface that is the nicest!! Shanksh, Kathyaspinall!! Your friendlyship means so much of the bestest stuffs for me, plus Mirabelle, plus Mum plus Pop!!....
Butt guys...... I am just wanting to say, it is the nicest for reals for our friendlypals to send us howdycards, plus boxalopes. Yes. I am not even joshing we luvluvlove it 'cuz we feel even waymorecloser to you!! Yes!! For reals!! Butt you do not have to send giftypresents or 'specially dollarpennies, K? K. Lotsa peoples need extra dollarpennies waymorelots than me plus Mirabelle 'cuz truestory we are doing soopergood!! The most specialist part is just that you would take the times to write to us, plus put something in our mailingbox, K? K!! ..................................
Okeedoke, everybuddy!!
A sooperspecial HappyHeartHugs SHANKSH to MAGDA FUSS, JOSIE THE PUG, plus KATHY ASPINALL for putting so much Happy in our Hearts!! Shanksh, guys!! It does reallyreallyreeeeeeeeeeeeelly mean lots'nlots to me plus Mirabelle that you sent us some lovings inna letterlope!! H💜 H💜 H💜
Plus shanksh to YOU GUYS for helping me plus Mirabelle open up our letterlopes!!
Was sooperfun and stuff!!
Have a 'mazing daytimes, everybuddy!! We will see you latertimes, K? K!!