Yes. It is hard to bleeve, butt truestory for reals no joshing seriousface I have not always been this big'nburly. Not even! 'Course I have allatimes been this handsome, just only teensier!! Ha ha!!
Wanna see a picturestory from when I was only ONE DAYTIMESOLD, guys!!?? OKEEDOKE!!.............
Whatcha thinkingthoughts 'bout THAT, you guys!! Isn't it 'mazing how teensy I was!!??
'Specially how I could still fit alla this handsome into that teensy little body!! Ha ha!! ......
Archie is second from the right. With the massive ears. :)
Plus here is a picturestory 'bout me plus alla my sisterpeoples at VICTORY BULLDOGS!! Yup!! This is everybuddy from my litterbunch!! Did you know!!?? I was the only puppy gentleman out of everybuddy!! Truestory!! I have not seen my sisterpeoples since I moved in with Mum plus Pop, butt I am hoping one day we can all get back together a 'gain just for HappyFunTimes!! ............
Now this is just me all by my lonesome!! Yup!! Did you know!!?? I was the last to go to a foreverhome plus for sooperweird reasons it took FIVE WHOLE MONTHTIMES 'fore Mum plus Pop came to get me!! 'Course it was totally worth the waitingtimes!! Yes!! ...............
Even when I was just a juniorperson, I luvluvloved to be in the outsideplace you guys!! Yes!!
This is me in the 'roundthebackyard at VICTORY BULLDOGS thinkingthoughts...
This is one of my most favoritist picturestories in evertimes, guys. Yup. Know why?
'Cuz this was the firstest picturestory Mum made of me in our 'roundthebackyard!! Yes!!
It was my firstest day at my shinynew foreverhome!! ..............
This is me after my firstest exploradventure with Pop!! I was sooperpoopered for reals, butt I was sooperdooper Happy too!! My shinynew foreverhome put lotsa Happy in my Heart, you guys!! ..................
Even from the earlytimes, me plus Mum plus Pop luvluvloved to hang out and stuff. Yes. Onna 'count of us having so much lovings for each other!! This was in our 'roundthebackyard too!! .....
This is me being a sneaky ninjaman on our firstest chestercouch!! Yes!! Basically I am pretty 'mazing at hiding, guys!! Not as good as Steve The Deer, butt mostly UNVISIBLE!! ................
This is me plus Mum plus Pop exploradventuring at my most favoritist MEADOWLILLY WOODS. Yup!! I am saying "LUV YOU MUM. LUV YOU POP. PLUS LUV YOU TOO, NATUREMAMA!!"
Basically I am a lucky duckling to have so much lovings and HappyHeartHugs every daytimes you guys. Sure am. 😍 😘 😊
So shanksh for checking out these oldentimer picturestories of me as a teensy juniorperson!! Nextimes 'cuz it is NATIONAL PUPPY DAY, I will show you a big pile of picturestories of my MIRABELLE when she was just teensy too!! See you latertimes, everybuddy!! 😊 💜 😊 💜 😊 💜