From the firstest times I met my MIrabelle, I luvluvloved her with alla my HappyHeart, you guys!! Yup!! Even teensy, she was full of sauce plus wanted to jump on my brainmelon, plus Bop my faceparts, butt mostly she just wanted to... snuggle. Yup. That is her favoritist thing..................
This is from when I first met my Mirabelle at VICTORY BULLDOGS, you guys!! She was littlebits 'fraidy and stuff 'cuz she did not know what was gonna happen next!! Butt I was sooperclose to say...
Even when she was just teensy, alreadytimes she was sooperpretty, amirite!!??
Yup!! She even had pretty lookingmarble decorations just like our Mum!! 💜...................
Here we are taking Mirabelle to our foreverhome, guys!! She did not know too much 'bout what was happenings, butt she knew she liked to make cozypiles with me!! Plus I luvluvloved it!! ........
Here we are in our 'roundthebackyard hanging out and stuff!! I showed her alla the bestest spots for doing chores, plus hiding out, plus soopercool stuff for snifferating.... alla that stuff!! ..............
Mirabelle even did soopergood poserating when she was just teensy!! Pretty good, amirite!!??
She is wearing her juniorperson 'ventureharness, butt truestory for reals it did not take too muchtimes for her to get waytoobig for it!! Yup!! .................
TA DA!! It is MIRABELLE ROSEBLOSSOM MERRIWEATHER, you guys!! Just look in those lookingmarbles!! You can see lotsa sauce in there, amirite!!?? Yup!! 😊 💜 😊 💜 😊 💜..................
Hee hee!! Here is the bestest picturestory 'bout what is differenter 'bout me plus Mirabelle!!
I am snifferating my flowerposie, butt Mirabelle is chomping the brainmelon off hers!! Ha ha!! .......
Yup. Here is what it is like to share livingtimes with my Mirabelle you guys.
She is saucy, plus she luvs to bop your faceparts, plus jump on your brainmelon, butt know what?
She luvluvloves to maky cozypiles even more. Yes. She is my baby sisterperson, plus she puts gigantical piles of Happy in my Heart, plus I luvluvlove her forever plus everever. 😊 💜 😊 💜 😊 💜
Shanksh for checking out our picturestories from when we were just teensy juniorpeoples, guys!! 'Member it is NATIONAL PUPPY DAY plus latertimes I am gonna share a sooper'portant picturestory 'bout one of my most favoritist puppy sooperheroes. Yes. So don't miss out!!
See you latertimes!! 😊 💜 😊 💜 😊 💜