Hey, guys!! I am sooper'cited to share these 'mazing sooperfancy pictureportraits made by our special friendlypal GillianOttawayQuerin!! Yes!! Wayback in the 2014times she came to visit so we could be inthesameplacefriends!! I KNOW!! Plus best part was she is a professional-type picturetographer, so she wanted to make a whole buncha pictureportraits of me, Archie Brindleton, plus my Mirabelle who was still just a teensy juniorperson, plus Mum and Pop too!! Yes!! ................
2014 photo by Gillian Ottaway Querin
Hee hee!! That is alla us, you guys!! All at one times and everything!! Looksee how teensy Mirabelle is!! This pictureportrait puts lotsa Happy in my Heart 'cuz this is my most favoritist thing to do: HANG OUT WITH MY WHOLE ENTIRE FAMILYPACK!! Yes!! 😊 💜
2014 photo by Gillian Ottaway Querin
ooooOOOoooo!! Pretty soopercool, amirite!!?? Now we are all exploradventuring at my most favoritist MEADOWLILLY WOODS!! Yes!! Was awesometimes!! ..............
2014 photo by Gillian Ottaway Querin
Now we are all doing poserational modellation on the EAGLE BRIDGE!! Yes!! It is sooperbig and stuff plus helps us go wayfarover the burblecreek under it!! SHANKSH, EAGLE BRIDGE!! ...........
2014 photo by Gillian Ottaway Querin
Guys... Is it just me or is there a whole lotta handsome going on in this one!!?? Hee hee!!
I am just joshing, you guys!! Mostly!! ...................
2014 photo by Gillian Ottaway Querin
OKeedoke!! Shanksh, guys!! For checking out alla these sooperneato pictureportraits from Gillian Ottaway Querin and stuff!! She is 'mazing, plus soopernice plus it was the bestest to be inthesameplacefriends with her!! Sure was!! Mirabelle was just shinynew on this daytimes, so she did not get so many pictureportraits as me, butt we are hoping Gillian Ottaway Querin will come back one day, so we can get lots'nlots of all growed-up Mirabelle too!!
Plus more of me, 'course!! Ha ha!! 😊
Was sooperfun!! See you latertimes, everybuddy!! 😊 💜 😊 💜 😊 💜