Okeedoke, everybuddy!!
Now is the times for a real good looksee at more pictureportraits from our friendlypals at GOTHAM STUDIOS!! Those guys are so soopergood, for reals!!
So soopergood that these picturestories are not even ones they think are the bestest!! That is crazybananas to my brainmelon 'cuz they sure look awesometimes to me plus Mirabelle!!
How 'bout you guys!!?? What are your thinkingthoughts 'bout them!!?? .....................
Whoa!! Soopercool!! This whole entire bunch is with lotsa BLOO which is one of my most favoritist rainbowparts in all of evertimes!!
'Course not as favorite as my PIRATE RED, butt... still pretty cool!! ............
Ha ha!! Now we are looking allover everywheres!! That is kinda cool looking to my lookingmarbles!! Yes!! Like we are having differenter thinkingthoughts -
LIKE WE DO ALLATIMES!! 😊 💜 .................
Great googily moogily!! Where did alla our faceparts go!! Ha ha!! When we turn to the side-a-ways, there is not so much face on our face, don'tchathink!!?? ....................
Me plus Mirabelle hear the word "TREAT" real good with our listenator earparts!! Yup!! We know THAT wordybit anywheres!! "Ready when you are!!" Ha ha!! 😊 💜 .........................
This is me thinkingthoughts there should be treats nowabouts!! Mirabelle is trying to find them!!
They are here somewheres 'cuz our smellerators say so!! ...............
Times to take a break to have some delicious yummysummy treats, you guys!!
Shanksh sooperlots for checking out this whole entire pile of BLOO PICTUREPORTRAITS from our friends at Gotham Studios, you guys!! Hope you liked them, 'cuz we are sooper'cited to have so many to share with you!! Yes!!
See you latertimes!! 😊 💜 😊 💜 😊 💜