Howdy, guys!! 😊 💜
Golly!! Me plus Mirabelle had so much sooperfun on the DALEWOOD RESERVOIR TRAIL I can't even hardly tell you!!
One of the mostest fun parts was doing practicetimes with my number counting!! Seriousface!!
See, I heard there were a whole lotta bridges for walking on in there, plus that they are all numbered with special little bloo numbersigns!! Me plus Mirabelle wanted to see how many there were for reals, so know what!!?? WE WENT HUNTING FOR THEM!!
Hee hee!! You will see!! Check it out!! ............
YESSSSSSS!! First one is soopereasy!! This is NUMBER WON. guys!! ...........
NUMBER TOO!! ..................
This is the FURD ONE!! ..........................
AH-HA!! Sign says NUMBER FORE!! ...........................
NUMBER HI-FI!! .........................
NUMBER SIXTY JILLION!! ............................
NUMBER SVEN!! "HI SVEN!!" ....................
NUMBER ATE!! Golly!! I get hungry evertimes I see this numberbit! Sooperweird!! ..............
GOLLY!! NUMBER FINETY is pretty big!! .......................
NUMBER WON-OH!! Golly!! There are lots'nlots, guys!! Seriousface!! ......................
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! My favoritist number, guys!! NUMBER ELEVENTY!! .....................
Wowzers!! NUMBER WONTOO BUCKLEMYSHOO!! .........................
Mirabelle says this one is NUMBER FURTEEN!! ........................
Number FORKSTEEN!! ..........................
FIXTEEN!! ............................
Whoo!! Golly!! This is lotsa workerman work!! Dunno 'bout you guys, butt I am getting all poopered and stuff!! Let's mosey on down to the puddlepond to cool off our undercarriages, K? K!! ..................................
You guys coming in!!?? You don't even need simmingpants, guys!! Just jump in with your birthday suit like me!! Ha ha!! It is sooperfun plus feels 'MAZING!!
Okeedoke!! Let's get back to counterating bridges and stuff!! Here we GO-GO-GO!! ..........
SHICKSTEENERY!! Or somethings like that!! ............................
WHOA!! Number SEVENDYTEEN is a doozy, guys!! It is an oldentimer IRON BRIDGE!! How soopercool is THAT!!?? Pretty soopercool amirite!!?? Prolly!! .............................
Great googilymoogily!! I am all HUNGRY IN MY BELLY A "GAIN!! ....................
NINEDYTEEN!! .......................
TWENNY!! I am thinkingthoughts we are getting close to the end, guys!! Pretty sure!! ..............
TWEENYWONDERFUL!! Yes!! ...............................
WHA!!?? TWENNYHI-FI!!?? Waitaminnit!! I am not the most bestest numbery counterman, butt... I am thinkingthoughts we missed some somehow!! That is crazybananas!! Maybe there is a part of the wildertrail we missed!! Huh!! Oh, well!! No going backwards now, guys!! ........................
TWEENYSIXTYMAJILLION!! ...........................
AWESOMETIMES!! Looks like that is it, guys!!
Somehows we missed a bunch, butt we will have to go back a whole 'nother daytimes to figure out what happened and stuff!! Butt GOOD JOB, EVERYBUDDY!! I did not add them all up or anythings, butt I am thinkingthoughts we found 'bout FIXTYFORTY JILLION OR SO. Give or take.
Was sooperfun!! Shanksh for helping us hunt for bridges, guys!! Me plus Mirabelle hope you are having a HappyFunTimes daytimes like we are plus we will see you latertimes, K? K!!
😊 💜 Luvluvlove you guys!! 😊 💜