Hi guys!! 😊 💜
How is your daytimes going!!?? Soopergood I am hoping!! Mirabelle is hoping so too!! That is why we are doing a shinynew episode of WINNING AT LEISURETIMES with me, Archie Brindleton, plus my soopersaucy assistantperson, Mirabelle Merriweather!!
For this lesson, we are gonna have a looksee at Mirabelle's sooperspecial technique called FLATERATIONAL PANCAKERY!! Yes!! This is for advanced beginners only, guys!! Truestory for reals I am still not so 'mazing at it 'cuz I have too much burliness for pancakery!! You will see!! .....
MIrabelle is the bestest at picking a perfectal spot with lotsa roominess, plus maybe some sunsmiles for soaking in, plus most importantal, it has to be where lots'nlots of peoples want to get through allatimes!! ............
Yes. Nextofalls, get real FLAT, guys. Flat as you can go!! 'Member the other special relaxational techniquery that I brainlearned you lastimes where you take alla your boneyparts out!! Use that too!! Mirabelle is 'mazing at it!! ............................
This is sooper'portant!! Doesn't matter if peoples are coming plus going, or moving heavy brick-a-brack past where you are doing your leisuretimes, just DON'T STOP!! Nope!! Not even!! Not 'till you are hungry that is!! ................
Golly!! That is almostly perfectal pancakery!! If both her paws were out front of her brainmelon, I would giver her a score of ELEVENTY!! Yup!! Plus that is sooperhard to get!! ..............
This kinds of techniquery takes lots'nlots of practicetimes to get 'zackly right, you guys!! So 'member to not forget... START SLOWISH!! Plus maybe start on somethings waymoresofter 'till you get 'mazing at it too!! ........................
Okeedoke, you guys!! Now it is YOUR TURN for practicetimes!!
No worrythoughts if you are at your workerman workingplace!! Just tell them Master Leisuretimer Archie Brindleton says it is AOK!! Yup!! Then find a place with lotsa roominess PLUS... it has to be where lots'nlots of peoples do walkingtimes back plus forth and stuff!! You can do it!!
Have lotsa HappyFunTimes trying out Mirabelle's sooperspecial pancakery technique!! We will see you latertimes so you can tell me how you did and everythings, K? K!!
Keep trying your bestest, plus soopersoon you will be...