Okeedoke, you guys!! π π
How 'bout we have a soopergood looksee at what it was like 'roundabouts when Mirabelle moved in!!?? Sounds sooperfun, don'tchathink!!?? ME TOO!! That is why I have builderated the most gigantical picturestory in all of evertimes just for you!! So skootch in sooperclose, plus get soopercomfy 'cuz this picturestory is AWESOMETIMES!! Seriousaface!! You will see!! .....................
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! It is me plus my Mirabelle when she was still a juniorperson, guys!! Isn't she the cutist!!?? IKNOWRITE!!?? Plus even when she was this teensy, she was still full-up with sauce!! Truestory!!
Anyhoozle... here is the firstest picturestory we everever made with my Mirabelle........
Lookit those faceparts!! Aren't they the BESTEST!!?? Have a 'nother looksee!! ...................
Yup!! This was at VICTORY BULLDOGS, right here in our city where we live!! Yup!! 'Course that is me in the wayfarback making sure she is AOK!! Mirabelle did not know, butt she was gonna come home with us the very next daytimes!! Yup!! ................................
This is from when Mirabelle was even waymoreteensier!! Plus one of her litterbrothers or littersisters, plus Mirabelle's puppymum too!! Cute puppy buttparts, amirite!!?? Hee hee!! π π .....................
This is from the very next daytimes when Mirabelle was gonna move in with us, so I was doing lotsa workerman work to get our 'partmenthouse all ready for a shinynew puppy who did not know the rules and stuff yet! ................................
Lotsa RAWCO yummysummies!! CHECK!!
No raincloset mats!! CHECK!!
No big carpetcloths, either!! CHECK!!
Sooperclean everythings!! CHECK!!
'Specially alla the towelblankets and stuff!! CHECK!!
Trade dollarpennies for a teensy harness!! CHECK!!
Then we were all set for bringing Mirabelle to our foreverhome guys!! HER FOREVERHOME!! ........
Here she is, guys!! In her firstest UFObed!! She does not even know what is goings on yet!! ..............
'Course being just a teensy juniorperson, Mirabelle was poopered sooperfast back then!! ..................
Latertimes I showed her where we eat our RAWCO yummysummies!! She had neverever had RAW FOOD befores, butt great googilymoogily did she gobble it up like crazybananas!! Truestory we have to put a gigantical marble in her bowl called a PORTION PACER just to slow her down!! .........
'Course then we had to go introduce her to alla my wilderwild besties!! Like THE NATUREMAMA!! ...
Yup!! We took her to MEADOWLILLY WOODS so she could see The Naturemama plus alla The Naturemama's babies too!! It was her first in evertimes exploradventure, guys!! Plus she did 'MAZING!! ..................
Our shinynew familypack!! (* Pop was there too, butt it was his job to hold the camerabox!!)......
On the way back to our foreverhome, Mirabelle started to make cozypile snugglesnorts with me, plus now we do it allatimes!! Yup!! 'Specially for nightynightimes!! Mirabelle is not happy 'less she get to plop on her big brotherpal who is me!! Hee hee!! ........................
Now we are 'mazing at making cozypile snugglesnorts!! This was from our firstest nightynightimes, guys!! It is me, Archie Brindleton, plus my baby sisterperson, Mirabelle plus Mirabelle's babybunny for extra snuggles!! ..........................
Lotsa peoples ask me allatimes "ARCHIE BRINDLETON... DO YOU GUYS FOR REALS SNUGGLE UP EVERY NIGHTYNIGHTIMES!!??" Plus I say, "YUP!!" From the very firstest nightynightimes, plus almostly everyrtimes 'till right nowabouts, we luvluvlove to snuggle!! We luvluvlove each other, for crying out Pete!! .......................
SQUISHYFACEPARTS!! Hee hee!! Hπ Hπ Hπ .........................
So basically right from the very beginnings, me plus Mirabelle have been besties!! ................
I took her to do PARK REVIEWS with me.........................
I showed her allover our 'roundthebackyard!! ..........................
I took her to the sandybeach to see the wet, wateryparts!! ...........................
I took her to meet my bestest friendlypal, MisterRiver plus taught her how to say "BURBLE URBLE URBLE, MISTERRIVER!!" ...............................
Plus started to show her alla 'bout poserational modellation for alla the picturestories we were gonna make!! She was pretty good even thenabouts!! Yes!! .........................
'Course brainlearning her alla 'bout WINNING AT LEISURETIMES was sooper'portant too!! ............
Butt most importantal was how sooper'cute she was!! Even without trying, guys!! Hee hee!! .........
Here is my most favoritist picturestory of me plus Mirabelle 'cuz it tells you alla 'bout what we are like, guys!! I am smellerating the pretty flowerposie, butt Mirabelle is chomping hers with her faceparts!! Ha ha!! I luvluvlove it so sooperlots!! π π π .........................
π We luvluvlove you Mirabelle!! Forever plus everever!! π
Golly!! That was awesometimes!!
Shanksh for checking out my soopergigantical gallery of baby Mirabelle picturestories, guys!!
Latertimes come back to check out a sooperfun picturemovie that Mum made to celebrate...