Hi, everybuddy!! 😄 💜
Did you know!!?? My shinynew friendlypal GAIR MAXWELL used to be on the raidiobox plus even the TVbox too!! Yup!! I am not even joshing!! He did more than TEN THOUSAND interviews with sooperinterestingal peoples plus was on the raidiobox more than THIRTY THOUSAND times when ALLASUDDEN........ he was FIRED, guys!! FIRED!!
Not out of a cannon, or anythings, butt out of his workerman work!! Seriousface!!
Butt now he is a writerman of wordybooks, an sooper'mazing entrepreneur, plus a sooperfamous speakerman who has won lotsa awards for his awesometimes talkery!! Yup!! His specialty is helping peoples REINVENT their companybusiness so they work waymorebetter!!
One daytimes he found out 'bout ME, Archie Brindleton, plus right away he wanted to interview me, plus write a whole buncha wordybits 'bout me plus alla my sooper'mazing 'ventures with you guys!! Yes!! So know what happened!!?? ...
😄 😄 😄 HE TOTALLY DID!! 😄 😄 😄
Ha ha!! The soopercoolist part is he made a picturemovie 'bout me too, plus now is the times I get to share it with you guys!! Yes!! So skootch in close plus check it out nowabouts!! ......
If you would like to read the whole entire article 'bout me, then you can see it over at Gair's interwebsnet clubhouse, RIGHT HERE (* click here to read full article)