Howdy, friendlypals!! 😄 😄 😄
We dunno 'bout you guys, butt me plus Mirabelle are feeling soopergood!! Yup!!
Plus we are sooper'cited to share these picturestories with you too!! Seriousface!!
These picturestories are sooperspecial 'cuz did you know!!?? Mum made them with her snazzynew camerabox plus THEN... Pop put them in his picturerobot for helping to make them look even waymoremagicalish!! It was totally a TEAM EFFORT, guys!! TEAM BRINDLETON that is!! Ha ha!! Anyhoozle... check them out, plus tell us what you are thinkingthoughts, K? K!! ........
It is allatimes sooperfun to hang out with Mum plus Pop, know why!!?? 'Cuz there is allatimes lotsa lovings plus snugglesnorts too!! It fills our Hearts with HAPPY, guys!! Hee hee!! .....................
Poserating for our Mum is the BESTEST 'cuz we have HappyFunTimes plus Pop is allatimes close with the snacks when we are done!! Yup!! Basically it is awesometimes!! ................................
Wishowish you guys could hang out with us too 'cuz that would make it even maymorefunner!! .....
Mum's snazzynew camerabox is pretty complicational, guys!! Yes!! There is basically eleventy jillion clickybuttons plus spinnyknobs plus turnythings for making it look differenter!! .................
Butt Mum is brainlearning sooperfast!! She is 'mazing at making pictureMOVIES, butt making pictureSTORIES is totally differenter, even if it is with the same camerabox!! Seriousface!! ...........
That is our Mum making picturestories with Mirabelle on the top of Euston Hill, guys!! We luvluvlove it up there 'cuz even though it is in the middleparts of our city where we live, it is like being in the wilderwild too!! It is 'MAZING!! ................................
Okeedoke, you guys!! Shanksh for checking out this batch of picturestories!! Hope you liked them 'cuz truestory for reals our whole entire familypack helped make them and everythings!! Yup!!
Was sooperfun, plus I can't even hardly wait to share morethers with you too!! Butt nowabouts is the times for exploradventuring, so...
💜 😊 See you latertimes!! 😊 💜