Tuesday Nightynightimes (3 photos)
Oh.... hey, guys! 💜 😀
Sure hope everybuddy has their jammypants on, 'cuz know why!!?? 'Cuz now is the times for heading on over to the Dreamingplace, for cozypile snugglesnorts, K? K!! ....................
That 'minds me..... It was WORLD TOURISM DAY for this Tuesdaytimes!! Yup!! Did you guys have some HappyFunTimes doing gymnastical thinkery 'bout alla the places you want to visit and stuff!!?? We sure did!! Plus we even went to some on the interwebsnet too!! Was soopercool for reals!! ..........................
...nowabouts me plus Mirabelle are soopersleepy in the brainmelon, so we are all cozied-up in the puffybed. Butt no worrythoughts, guys..... there is still some roominess left if you wanna jump in. Yup. Prolly everybuddy can fit if we skootch in real close, K? K.
'Cuz that would be soopernice. Yes.
'Cuz we luvluvlove you guys. 💜💜💜
Nightynightimes, everybuddy. H💜 H💜 H💜