Hi everybuddy!! 😀 😀 😀
Plus say "HI!!" to Ward 1 City Councillor MIKE VAN HOLST!! Yes!! We are here at ST.JULIEN'S PARK for the annual ST. JULIEN'S PARK COMMUNITY FESTIVAL!! Yup!! Councillorman VanHolst asked me to help start the whole entire thing off with him!! Truestory!! .......................
I got to go up on stage, guys!!
Pop came too so he would not wander off!!
Was sooperfun for reals, guys!! Councillorman VanHolst asked for me to go up on the stage with him prolly 'cuz I do that lots'nlots and stuff so I could help make sure he did not get nervous and everythings!! Prolly!! Plus I brought Pop 'cuz Pop will wander off if I just leave him on the grassycarpet!! Pops are like that!! Ha ha!! ......................
Anyhoozle..... it went soopergood!! Coucillorman Vanholst said some soopernice wordybits like he hoped everybuddy would have a 'mazing times, then other peoples said nice wordybits 'bout special folks who helped make this festivalparty happen, plus THEN there was musicsounds!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! .........................
Even though it was sooperearly, lot'snlots of peoples were there, plus even waymorelots came latertimes too!!........................
There was lotsa yummysummies, plus craftybits, plus lots'nlots of neato stuff for everybuddy to see!! Yes!! Can you bleeve it, guys!!?? This park has it's very own festivalparty!! IKNOW!!
Wayback in oldentimesdays, this park was just a gravel pit!! Yup!! Butt alla the peoples who lived 'round here would come to the pit to have a picnic day!! Truestory!! 'Ventually our city where we live made it into a park, plus the whole entire neighborhood pitched in!! Now this park has been getting bigger, plus waymorebetter every yeartimes since!! ....................
Did you know!!?? I wrote my review for this park 'couple yeartimes a 'go before Mirabelle moved in, so I have not seen in some whiles!! Yup!! So when we got there to see it had shinynew MONKEYCLIMBERS plus a whole entire BUILDINGHOUSE with poopclosets and everythings, I went CRAZYBANANAS!! ...........................
Yup!! Now I am gonna have to come back to do a shinyNEW park review!! .....................
Basically everybuddy had a 'mazing times 'cuz this park is really, really reeeeeeeeeeeeeelly luvluvloved by the peoples who live close!! You could tell, guys!! ............................
The ROYAL CANADIAN AIR CADETS came too, plus played musicsounds with their crazybananas airbag squeezyhorns and stuff!! Was pretty cool is what I am saying!! ..................
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!! It is not a festivalparty 'till the ICECREAM RUMBLETRUCK shows up!! ........
Say "HI!" to AUNTIEM, everybuddy!! She says there is somethings I am gonna want to see down at the wayfarend of this walkingroad!! Let's go-go-go!! ........................
"HI GUYS!!" Yes!! The Fire Department is here too!! Plus I am having HappyFunTimes with my shinynew friendlypal JACK BURT!! He is a FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTORMAN!! ..............
Jackburt is making the pedalbits work, butt 'cuz I am an excellent driverman, I am doing alla the steerywheel stuffs!! Lefty-righty-lefty-righty GO-GO-GO!! hee hee!! 😀 😀 😀 ...............
Well, guys!! Wishowish I could have stayed even waymorelonger, butt this was a soopernice festivalparty, that is for reals!! ...........................
Shanksh to Councillorman MikeVanHolst for n'viting me to help open the whole entire thing with him, plus shanksh to everbuddy for being so nice plus friendly and stuff!! The 2016times St.Julien's Community Festival was amayzazing!! Seriousface!!
Plus shanksh to you guys for coming to check it out too!! maybe next yeartimes we will all go togethertimes and stuff!! That would be the bestest, amirite!!?? 'COURSE!! 😀 😀 😀
💜 See you latertimes, everybuddy!! 💜