Guys!! Guys!! You gotta SEE this place!! Everythings in here was kept soopersecret for (FIFTY) YEARTIMES, butt now you can learn alla 'bout it like I did!! Yes!! π π π
Archie and his Fire Safety Partner, Firefighter Jason Poole!
Help Archie keep everyone safe by reading and sharing his Fire Safety Posts!
All in Say Hi To London!
Guys!! Guys!! You gotta SEE this place!! Everythings in here was kept soopersecret for (FIFTY) YEARTIMES, butt now you can learn alla 'bout it like I did!! Yes!! π π π
Hey, guys!! Did you know!!?? got to go to a special festivalparty last weekendtimes, plus there was a friendlypal from the FIRE DEPARTMENT there too!! You will see!! π π π
Hi, everybuddy!! It is me plus Mirabelle are going crazybananas for an oldentimer buildinghouse that just got all snazzed up and stuff!! It is amayzazing!! You will see!! π π π
Hey, guys!! Last weekendtimes was a sooperbig festival called RIBFEST!! Yup!! It was too stinkywarm, so we did not stay for longtimes, butt we can show you 'round littlebits, K? K!! Let's go!! π π
Hey, guys!! Have you been to FANSHAWE PIONEER VILLAGE!!?? If you said "NOPE!!" then have a looksee at this picturemovie 'cuz we are gonna show you 'round and stuff, K? K!! π π π
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! Now is the times when me plus Mirabelle take you guys exploradventuring at the HOME COUNTY FESTIVAL!! Yup!! So put on your walkingsocks 'cuz there is lots'nlots to do plus see!! π π π
Check it out, everybuddy!! Right after she sang the Canadaplace singsong to open HOME COUNTY FESTIVAL, Meganschroder was inthesameplacefriends with me plus Mirabelle!! You will see!! π π
Guys!! Guys!! Me plus Mirabelle made a bunch of soopercool inthesameplacefriends plus know what!!?? They like to share HappyHeartHugs 'much as we do!! You will see!! Hπ Hπ Hπ
Hi guys!! Did you know!!?? I found some more sooperfun picturestories from the weekendtimes when me plus Mirabelle went to the cyclebiking RIDE DON'T HIDE EVENT!! You will see!! π π π
I am soopercited to share with you my 'mazing visit to CMHA MIDDLESEX, guys!! I got to make so many shinynew inthesameplacefriends plus everybuddy there was AWESOMETIMES!! You will see!! π π