Hi guys!! 😀 💜
Shanksh for checking out this episode of Archie Brindleton's STUFF THAT HELPS!!
Yup!! This times we are gonna do talkings 'bout something that me plus Mirabelle have got lots'nlots of helpings from!! Truestory!! Butt even though we luvluvlove it, seems like not so many peoples know a 'bout Slippery Elm, plus even peoples who know 'bout it, don't know that it can be sooper'mazing for puppies too!! Seriousface!! So let's get down to tacky brassparts!!...
What is it and stuff!!??........
Slippery Elm:
"Slippery elm bark is a herb derived from the Elm (Ulmus) family. Native to Canada and the US, it can be found growing in the Appalachian Mountains. The inner bark is collected from trees which are at least 10 years old, and is mainly powdered for therapeutic use.
Soothing Slippery elm was traditionally powdered and one of its main uses for Native Americans was as a poultice for boils, ulcers and for wounds in general. Other common uses included being used for colds or fevers and to soothe an irritated digestive system – one of its main purposes today."
So that is basically it, guys!! What I am calling Slippery Elm is actually the BARK of a Slippery Elm tree!! How soopercool is that, amirite!!?? Pretty soopercool!! Yes!! It is sortof a beige-y coloured powder that you can use to help lotsa stuffs!! Check this out!!..................
A Slippery Elm Tree
The powdered bark of a Slippery Elm
What is it used for:
"The major use for slippery elm today is for soothing the bowel in conditions of inflammation – especially colitis and IBS – irritable bowel syndrome. It is also similarly helpful in other inflammatory bowel conditions such as diverticulitis and diverticulosis.
Slippery elm will often soothe the pain of patients suffering these ailments within a couple of hours. This is not a case of the slippery elm powder hiding the pain; by soothing the inflamed area, the pain – a signal from the body that something is wrong – simply goes away because there is no need for it."
"Native North Americans used Slippery Elm to create balms or salves to heal woulds, ulcers, psoriasis, and other skin conditions. They also used it orally to soothe sore throats, relieve coughs, and help with diarrhea and stomach issues. Slippery Elm was used during the American Revolution to help treat and soothe the wounds of soldiers. THe tree is mentioned quite a bit in older literature and today it is widely discussed in alternative medicine writings and reports."
How to use it:
Truestory for reals no joshing seriousface, even thoiugh lots'nlots of peoples use it for helping lots'nlots of other prollems, me plus Mirabelle use Slippery Elm for basically helping with (2) prollems: UPSET BELLYPLUMBING plus BLEEDING OUCHIES. Yup!!
For upset bellyplumbing, mum plus Pop mix it in with our yummysummies. For bleeding ouchies, Pop dabs the powder right onto the ouchie 'cuz basically it makes an INSTANT SCAB!! Yup!! See, wayback when my ALLERGEEZ were real bad, I would scratch my faceparts so hard I would cut my flubberybits to bleediness!! It was soopertough for reals!! Butt Slippery Elm helped lots!! It can be soopertough to put a bandaid on a puppy 'cuz we are so fuzzy, butt if you clean up the ouchie with a saline flush first ('cuz it does not sting), then dry, then put the powder right into the cut or scrape or whatever, it will act like a scab does, stopping the bleeding, plus soothing the ouchie!! It's MAZING!! Pop carries some with him in his ADVENTURE BUNDLE whenever we go wayfaraways into the wilderwild JUST IN CASE!!
Topical Use:
This part is REAL easy!! Just put it on the ouchie, guys!! Seriousface!! It will help stop bleedings almost like magic, plus it is real good at SOOTHING too!! Just like what I said in the last part, there is no way to mess up!! Someofthetimes peoples add GLYCERINE to it to make it waymoreasier to apply, butt it is no biggie. The worstest part is maybe you will get powder everywheres!! Butt the powder that sticks to the ouchie will work 'mmediately!! Yes!!
Internal Use:
If you take the powder, plus mix it up with water, you can make a real slippery-looking goop that is just as good for you as OATMEAL, guys!! Yup!! It is sorta weird looking, butt it does not taste so bad, so most puppies will gobble it up good!! Me plus Mirabelle just mix it with our regular yummysummies, 'cuz our RAWCO.CA raw food gets lotsa water mixed in, sorta like a stew, butt it doesn't really matter!! Not even!! You can't make a mistake, 'cuz you can't take too much, just make sure it does not go down as just powder!! That is not fun!! Mix with water to eat just as weird slippery goop, or add to puppy's regular food!!
If stubborn puppies don't like it, MIX WITH TUNA JUICE!!
"Almost every back-country homestead up until a generation or two ago knew that slippery elm had yet other values ... medicinal values. The late Euell Gibbons recommended pouring a pint of boiling water over an ounce of the coarsely ground inner bark, allowing the mixture to cool, and then adding the juice of one-half lemon and enough honey to sweeten the brew to taste. Our pioneer forebears treated colds with such a "lemonade" and it was especially recommended for feverish patients. "Allow them to drink all they will take," said Gibbons in his book, Stalking the Healthful Herbs, "for this drink will quench their thirst and help relieve their illness by giving them strengthening, easily digested food at the same time."
A somewhat similar formulation (one heaping teaspoon of finely powdered bark mixed into enough cold water to make a paste and then quickly stirred into a pint of boiling water and flavored with cinnamon) popped up again and again in early American almanacs, herbals, and medical guides. According to such old manuals, it's good for almost anything that ails you: catarrh, colitis, coughs, colds, dysentery, painful urination, pleurisy, quinsy, influenza, bleeding from the lungs, and consumption ... to name just a few of the illnesses that were treated by this beverage. And, for folks who weren't suffering any of these ailments, the same drink — taken lukewarm just before bedtime — was prescribed as a sleep inducement."
Me with an ouchie plus Slippery Elm onnit!!
Here is from a 'nother times it happened!!
Almost every back-country homestead up until a generation or two ago knew that slippery elm had yet other values ... medicinal values. The late Euell Gibbons recommended pouring a pint of boiling water over an ounce of the coarsely ground inner bark, allowing the mixture to cool, and then adding the juice of one-half lemon and enough honey to sweeten the brew to taste. Our pioneer forebears treated colds with such a "lemonade" and it was especially recommended for feverish patients. "Allow them to drink all they will take," said Gibbons in his book, Stalking the Healthful Herbs, "for this drink will quench their thirst and help relieve their illness by giving them strengthening, easily digested food at the same time."
A somewhat similar formulation (one heaping teaspoon of finely powdered bark mixed into enough cold water to make a paste and then quickly stirred into a pint of boiling water and flavored with cinnamon) popped up again and again in early American almanacs, herbals, and medical guides. According to such old manuals, it's good for almost anything that ails you: catarrh, colitis, coughs, colds, dysentery, painful urination, pleurisy, quinsy, influenza, bleeding from the lungs, and consumption ... to name just a few of the illnesses that were treated by this beverage. And, for folks who weren't suffering any of these ailments, the same drink — taken lukewarm just before bedtime — was prescribed as a sleep inducement.
Risks or Dangers:
Nope!! Not even, guys!! Truestory for reals no joshing seriousface, it is soopersafe!! Peoples in oldentimesdays ate it like OATMEAL, even!! Yup!! Or would make their FLOUR last longer by mixing it in!! They used to even make CANDY with it, so no worrythoughts, K? K!!
'Course if you are gonna give it to puppies or peoples who are real oldentimer or sickybicky, who have to take lotsa sooper'portant medicines, TALK TO YOUR DOCTORANARIAN!!
YES!! Plus keep this stuffs in your brainmelon too, K? K:
- It is extremely rare, but it is possible to be sensitive or allergic to Slippery Elm.
- It is possible that taking Slippery Elm internally could interfere with or slow down the effects of pharmaceutical medicines.
So there you have it, everbuddy!! Slippery Elm for crying out Pete!! 😀
Wasn't that interestingal for your brainmelon!!?? Maybe you would like to keep some SLIPPERY ELM in your foreverhome too!! Basically we luvluvlove it, so we have it 'round allatimes!! It can help with so much stuffs and everything!! Plus you neverever know when you will maybe have upset bellyplumbing or a bleeding ouchie that this stuff could help make waymorebetter!!
If you try it, I would luvluvlove to know what you think and stuff, so write me some wordybits 'bout what happened with you 'cuz I wanna know!! Yes!!
I got told 'bout Slippery Elm by a friendlypal, plus now you did too!! Yup!! Sharing good thinkingthoughts with friendlypals can help lots'nlots of peoples plus puppies who need it, so...
Shanksh, everybuddy!! See you latertimes!! H💜 H💜 H💜