CANADA DAY Holidaytimes skysparklers can be sooperscary for puppies, guys!! Dangerous and stuff, even!! So help keep them safe with my list of STUFF THAT HELPS WITH FIREWORKS!! :😊 💜
Archie and his Fire Safety Partner, Firefighter Jason Poole!
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All tagged Advice for Pet Owners
CANADA DAY Holidaytimes skysparklers can be sooperscary for puppies, guys!! Dangerous and stuff, even!! So help keep them safe with my list of STUFF THAT HELPS WITH FIREWORKS!! :😊 💜
Hi, guys!! This times on STUFF THAT HELPS, we are gonna talk 'bout SLIPPERY ELM!! Yup!! I have used it lots'nlots plus it has helped me out a whole bunch!! Mirabelle too!! 😀 💜
This times on STUFF THAT HELPS, we are gonna have a real good looksee at Apple(berry) Cider Vinegar, guys!! It is soopergood for you, butt tastes like a haunted scarecrow!! Seriousface!! 😝 😁 😜
Do you not know stuff!!?? How come!!?? I know everythings!!
What you want to know!!?? I WILL TELL YOU!! 😜 😝 😃
Friendly Answers and Advice From Archie Brindleton!
Friendly Answers and Advice From Archie Brindleton!
Friendly Answers and Advice From Archie Brindleton!
Friendly Answers and Advice From Archie Brindleton!
Friendly Answers and Advice From Archie Brindleton!