HEY, GUYS!! 😊💜
Say "HI!!" to my bestest friendlypal, MARCEL!! 'Roundabouts here we like to call him "Marcel The Boy", butt when he is on the instagram he is sooperfamous plus everhbuddy calls him
Truestory for reals!! I like him sooperlots 'cuz he is such a soopernice guy, butt I know SOMEBUDDY else that likes him even WAYMORELOTS than me!! YUP!! 😊............
Mirabelle luvluvloves Marcel sooperlots for reals 'cuz nobuddy luvluvloves to do goofballery with Mirabelle 'much as Marcel does!! He even luvluvloves to get bopped in the faceparts and everythings!! I am not even joshing!! ............
Did you know!!?? My Mirabelle will bestiewrestle with Marcel 'till they are both goofy in the brainmelon, guys!! Like for eleventy hourtimes and stuff!! Seriousface!!
She can't even hardly help herself!! Hee hee!! 😊.................
Plus no matter how many times he gets bopped in the faceparts by my Mirabelle, Marcel luvluvloves to come back for MORETHERS!! Yup!!
Plus he makes the funniest barky, growlysounds when he is all worked up with goofballery!! When these two goofy puppies get to bestiewrestling, it is all bellychuckles, guys!! Sure is!!
Butt.... after a whole buncha hourtimes of goofballery went by at my BirthdayPartyTimes, Mirabelle plus Marcel got so poopered that FINALLYTIMES we got them to make a soopernice picturestory together, all gussied up in fancy costumeclothes!! Wanna see!!??
photo credit: Samantha Rose Photography for Mr.Marcel
TA DA!! 😊😊😊
Pretty cute and stuff, amirite!!?? Those two are real sweeties and everythings!! Hee hee!!
Anyhoozle.... big, gigantical SHANKSH to Marcel plus his Mum for coming to visit, plus 'specially to Marcel's Mum for making this sooperspecial picturestory of our goofy puppies!!
Hope you liked it, guys!! Now let's keep having a 'mazing Wednesdaytimes, K? K!!
See you latertimes!!