HEY, GUYS!! Say "HI!!" to my bestest friendlypal, MARCEL!! Plus skootch in close 'cuz I wanna share a sooperspecial picturestory of MARCEL poserating with MIRABELLE!! You will see!! 😊💜
Archie and his Fire Safety Partner, Firefighter Jason Poole!
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All tagged Marcel
HEY, GUYS!! Say "HI!!" to my bestest friendlypal, MARCEL!! Plus skootch in close 'cuz I wanna share a sooperspecial picturestory of MARCEL poserating with MIRABELLE!! You will see!! 😊💜
Check it out, everybuddy!! Me plus Mirabelle did some sooper'mazing poserating with Marcel the Boy after my BirthdayPartyTimes, plus now is when you can have a real good looksee at one of our most favouritist in evertimes!! Check it out!! 😊💜
This is it, everybuddy!! My gigantical pile of picturestories from the BirthdayPartyTimes for ME plus COUSIN ELLIE!! You will see!! H💜 H💜 H💜
This is our bestest friendlypal MARCEL's birthdaytimes, guys!! Truestory!! We went to a 'mazing puddlepond party for him on the Sundaytimes, plus we wanna share a teaserytaste of it with you rightabouts NOW!! 😊 😊 😊
Marcel the Boy is a sooperbig dealio on the INSTAGRAM, guys!! So there was alots'nlots of sooperfamous puppies at his TOOTH (2nd) BirthdayPartyTimes!! Yup!! You will see!! 😊 💜
Now is the times for checking out some picturestories of Mirabelle plus her friendlyboy, Marcel doing lotsa goofballery!! You know, just for bellychuckles!! 😊😊😊
Hi guys!! Guess what is happenings latertimes!!?? Guess!! NOPE!! It is Marcel's Birthdaypartytimes!!