Oh. Hey, guys 😊❤️😚❤️😘❤️ ...
Can I tell you?? It is nice to see your faceparts this nightynightimes 'cuz wanna know why??..........
There is lots'nlots of talkingtimes 'bout the 'fraidystuffs that happened next door in the Americaplace, plus it put ouchies in my HappyHeart. Yup. Lots'nlots, even. Mirabelle's too. ..............
I am just a gentleman puppy who does not get how come stuffs like that happens so much, butt... alls I am thinkingthoughts 'bout is what luckyducklings me plus Mirabelly are. I am not even joshing.
We are safe, plus have a nice foreverhome, plus a rollycar that works good, plus we get lotsa lovings, plus our Mum plus Pop come home to us every daytimes full-up with lovings........
Butt not everybuddy is a luckyduckling like us. Nope. Not everybuddy gets to go home every daytimes. Some peoples don't get to go back to their foreverhome ever a 'gain even. ... Nope.........
It is soopertough to know 'zackly what to say or do, guys. Soopertough for reals.
Maybe it is just me..... Archie Brindleton, your bestest friendlypal.... butt my thinkingthoughts say 'long as we keep making more lovings, plus share them with as many peoples as we can.... then things will get better forever plus everever. Butt maybe that is just me. Plus Mirabelle too. ...........
Nightynightimes, everybuddy. ❤️❤️❤️
Me plus Mirabelly luvluvlove you from the basement of our HappyHearts forever plus everever.
We are hoping everybuddy gets to be safe, plus sound, plus AOK for reals, K? K. For reals.
HappyHeartHugs for everybuddy who did not get to go back to their foreverhome, or was hurted, or is 'fraidy, or is confuselled 'bout stuffs like this too. Let's smeet up in the Dreamingplace, K? guys? Inna big cozypile all together and stuff? Prolly that will help littlebits. Prolly. .............
H❤️ H❤️ H❤️
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