Hey, guys!! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
Goodmorningtimes and stuff!! Yes!! Truestory it was soopernice to hang out with you in the Dreamingplace last nightynightimes. Sure was.Yup.
Butt for THIS morningtimes me plus Mirabelly were thinkingthoughts it would be sooperfun to take you guys exploradventuring!! .For reals!! Ready to GO-GO-GO!!?? Okeedoke!! .....................
WHOA!! Lookit what Mirabelle founded, guys!! Looks like workermans are builderating a walkingroad bridge or somethings!! Looks like!!
Butt, we should start at the startingparts, guys!! Yes!!
We were doing walkingtimes exploradventuring near where AUNTIE M lives... on the walkingroad like allatimes when.... ALLASUDDEN...
GUYS!! Lookit!!
This is all shinynew!! We come here lots'nlots, plus there is only grassycarpet plus a skinny walkingroad, butt nowabouts... there is a sooperbig walkingroad outta nowheres!! GOLLY!! .......
Wonder where it goes and stuff!!??
The teensy walkingroad that used to be here was just teensy plus hardly anybuddy ever came to here, so this is sooperweird for crying out Pete!! .................................
They are seriousface 'bout this walkingroad, guys!! SOOPERSeriousface!! .......................
Check out over thisaways, guys!! .................................
There is a mountainhill over thattaways that did not used to be there!! Let's check it out!! ..............
Wowzers!! It is gigantical, guys!! I can't even bleeve it 'cuz lastimes we did exploradventuring with AUNTIE M, this mountainhill was not even here!! That is crazybananas!! .............................................
AUNTIE M founded somethings, guys!! Let's have a looksee, K? K!! ......................
WHOA!! It is so wayfarhigh in the ceilingsky, they put orangish fencings up for safety!! ..................
LOOKIT, GUYS!! Lookit that!!
'Betcha those are the stickylegs for a shinynew WALKINGBRIDGE!! 'Betcha!! Yes!! ........................
See...... the wildertrail walkingroad we like to exploradventure on over HERE is supposed to meet up with a soopernice park over THERE on the other side of the choochootrail!! Yup!!
Butt nobuddy could figure out how to make it happen or find e 'nuff dollarpennies to do it!! Peoples 'roundabouts here have been talkings 'bout this FOREVERTIMES, guys!! Seriousface!! Butt now it is FINALLYTIMES HAPPENING!! That is sooper'citing for reals!! ...........................
Let's go see where the rest of this walkingroad goes, guys!! ..............................
'Course... Me plus Mirabelly had to do some zoomers goofballery just for fun!! Hee hee!! ................
It is soopernice our Mirabelly is feelings littlebits better, guys!! Sure is!! It puts Happy in my Heart when she wants to do goofballery with me!!
GO-GO-GO, MIRABELLE!! ........
Here is the other endingparts of the shinynew walkingroad, guys!! I can't even hardly bleeve it 'cuz they are making a whole 'nother way for it to go!! Can you see!!?? ......................
Used to be just a skinny little walkingroad that went through the leafytrees on the right paw side, butt NOWABOUTS there is gonna be a shinynew BRIDGE that goes a round the leafytrees!! AMAYZAZING!! .................
Looks like it is gonna look real nice'n fancy when it is all done guys!! Prollly sorta like a teensier version of MEADOWLILLY BRIDGE or somethings! Prolly!!
Now we are for reals gonna have to come back to see when it is all done!! ....................
HA HA HA!! HEE HEE!! 😊😊😊
That was the funnist, guys!! Golly!! Me plus Mirabelly luvluvlove it when you come exploradventuring with us!! Sure do!! 'Specially when we find somethings shinynew!! .......................
Plus I luvluvlove how much sooperfun Mirabelle had this morningtimes too!!
Putting Happy in her Heart puts Happy in my Heart too, guys!! Truestory for reals!! ..................
HappyMerryTuesdaytimes, everybuddy!!
'Member to take real good care of yourselfs, plus if you can... get to the outsideplace for crying out Pete, K? K!! Luvluvlove you guys... plus...
😊💜😊💜😊💜 See you latertimes!! 💜😊💜😊💜😊
H❤️ H❤️ H❤️