Goodmorningtimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Can I say to you that it is soopernice to see your faceparts!!?? *BUTTWIGGLE*
I am not even joshing!! Me plus Mirabelly missed you guys the whole, entire weekendtimes, plus now we are sooper'cited, 'cuz wanna know why!!?? ........................
That is 'cuz me plus Mirabelle are at a sooper'mazing PICTURETOGRAPHY STUDIOPLACE called LEMONTREE!! Yup!! Truestory!!
We are here 'cuz this is the times when we n'vent the picturestory we make into our shinynew HOLIDAYTIMES HOWDYCARD!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! .........................................
Here is alla us saying...
😊❤️ "HI RYAN!!" ❤️😊 our bestest friendlyfriend, RYAN DANISZEWSKI who n'vited us to the LEMONTREE studioplace that he does his workerman work at!! YUP!! He is the BESTEST!!
RYAN helperated us make our HOLIDAYTIMES HOWDYCARD last yeartimes too!! Sure did!! ..........
So nextofalls, me plus Mirabelly got all gussied up in Holidaytimes stuff, plus started doing poserational modelating onna special cozychair with sparkelights, plus other fancy Holidaytimes DECORATIONAL ORNABITS!! YUP!!
'Course Mum brought her fancy camerabox for making sure our picturestories were PERFECTAL!! ...................
Butt...... did you know!!?? Somethings STILL wasn't 'zackly perfectal!! Even Mirabelly said so!! YUP!! ...................
So that is when we tried a whole 'nother spot!! YUP!! Plus THAT spot was waymorebetter, so prolly one of the picturestories we n'vented at THIS spot is gonna be our shinynew HOLIDAYTIMES HOWDYCARD, you guys!! Prolly!! .........................
'Course we can't show you 'zackly what it looks like 'cuz that would be no fun, you guys!!
It is s'pposed to be a s'prize for crying out Pete!! Nobuddy gets to see 'zackly what it looks like 'till they find it in their mailingbox!! Hee hee!! ............................
This times Mirabelly said it was AOK, so basically everybuddy was real happy 'bout alla the picturestories we made!!
Yup!! Now Mum plus Pop gotta go through alla them (there is about 300 - Mum) so's we can pick the bestest, most perfectal one!! It can take sooperlong times, guys!! Truestory!! .......................
Anyhoozle.... then it was when we said "SHANKSH" to our friendlyfriend, RYAN for alla his helpering and stuff!! He is the bestest, so we had lotsa lovings to give to him!!
Mirabelly wanted to bop his faceparts real bad, butt they just shared snugglesnorts n'stead!!
Ha ha!! Did you know!!?? Mirabelly does not like to get scooped up plus squishelled for inthesameplace HappyHeartHugs!! Nope!! Not even!!
BUTT I DO!! YUP!! FOR REALS!! ......................
So I let RYAN scooperate me up to hold me in his armparts like a burly babyperson!! YES!! Basically 'cuz...... I don't even mind saying to you......
I TOTALLY LIKE IT!! Hee hee!! .....................
Mirabelly gets all stiff like a statueperson when you pick her up, butt NOT ME!! Nope!! Anybuddy will tell you I stay all flubbery plus sooper relaxerated!! YUP!! 'Cuz 'member to not forget:
I am a dedicated man of leisure, guys!!
I luvluvlove getting carried allover like a burly babyperson!! I am not even joshing!! .....................
Shanksh to our bestest friendlypal RYAN for helperating us make our shinynew HOLIDAYTIMES HOWDYCARD!! Plus 'member our promiseface to you:
If you send a Holidaytimes Howdycard to our mailingbox, we will send one back to you for HappyFunTimes!! Yup!! It will even have my scribbling wordybits onnit, plus MAAAAAAAYBE even some from Mirabelly too!! You will see!! So senderate your howdycard to...
Archie plus Mirabelle
Unit #4, 473 Baker Street,
London, Ontario, Canada
N6C 1X9
HappyMerryMondaytimes, everybuddy!! Let's start this shinynew weektimes off with big piles of sooperfun awesometimes, K? K!!
😊❤️ See you latertimes!! ❤️😊
H❤️ H❤️ H❤️