All tagged Holidaytimes Howdycard 2017
Skootch on in, everybuddy!! Now is the times when I read 'TWAS THE NIGHTYNIGHTIMES 'FORE CRISPYMESS a 'gain!! Yup!! Times to read the whole, entire thing 'fore the Pajamman comes, PLUS... we are gonna share alla the howdycards that came too!! You will see!! H❤️ H❤️ H❤️
Wakeywakey, eggs'nbakey, everybuddy!! The Pajamaman is coming to read a whole 'nother chunk of my ELEVENTY DAYTIMES OF CRISPYMESS, plus.... we are gonna start opening alla these Holidaytimes Howdycards that are 'sploding our mailingbox!! Seriousface!! You will see!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Well, guys!! Looks like it is pretty much times for going to the Dreamingplace, BUTT... firstofalls I wanna tell you 'bout how Mirabelly is doing, PLUS... Mum says we can open up a letterlope to share with you just for HappyFunTimes!! YES!! So skootch on in!! H❤️ H❤️ H❤️
Guys!! Goodmorningtimes!! Plus HappyMerryFridaytimes too!! Me plus Mirabelle founded a BOXALOPE in our mailingbox, plus we wanna share it with YOU, K? K!! PLUS.... it is times for the nextest chunk of THE ELEVENTY DAYTIMES OF CRISPYMESS!! Yup!! You will see!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Guys!! Goodmorningtimes!! Plus HappyMerryMondaytimes too!! Wanna see a soopersecret sneakypeek at the picturestory me plus Mirabelle are gonna make into our Holidaytimes Howdycard!!?? Okeedoke!! Then skootch o in for crying out Pete!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️