Hello, friendlyfriends... 😊❤️
Prolly you know why I have n'vited you guys here and stuff, amirite? Prolly.
Golly. This is tough, guys. Plus not so much fun. Butt, I want you to know for reals how much I luvluvove you guys for coming to say nightynightimes to somebuddy you prolly neverever even met befores. It really, really, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelly helps, K? K.
This one is full-up with ouchies for me, plus Mirabelle, plus the whole entire Brindlebunch, guys. Yes. 'Cuz this one is alla 'bout a sooperspecial friendlyfriend we have knowed for my whole entire livingtimes.
So... *SIGH* ...now is the times...
...to do some 'memorings, plus to say "nightynightimes" to... JASPER THE HANDSOME CAT...
Here is ME, Archie Brindleton plus JASPER THE HANDSOME CAT hanging out and stuff!!
JASPER THE HANDSOME CAT moverated in with his Mum only (five) yeartimes a 'go, guys. Yup. In the very same buildinghouse I used to live in, too!! For reals!! Plus truestory, we were almostly the same yeartimesold, butt he was littlebits more oldentimer than me. Littlebits.
From pretty much the beginnings of when I moverated in with Mum plus Pop, I heard alla 'bout JASPER THE HANDSOME CAT, plus his Mum, BARBARA-B. They are the nicest, plus EVERYBUDDY said so. Yup!! Fact is, Jasper even sended me a BIRTHDAYTIMES HOWDYCARD every yeartimes!! Check it out!! ..........................
Isn't that the NICEST!!?? IKNOW!! He can write wordybits waymorebetter than me!! Plus did you know THIS??...
Jasper had the most soopertallest KITTY CARPETOWER I have everever seen, guys!! It was gigantical, even!! Yup!! It was pretty much as big as our Pop!! I am not even joshing!!
Plus every times me plus Mirabelle went to visit Jasper plus BarbaraB, Mirabelly would sit right at the bottom to stare up at Jasper!! Yup!! She was so sooper'cited to see him, she would even sorta SING at him someofthetimes!! She wanted to play with him plus chase him allover so SOOPERDOOPER BAD!! Hee hee!! ....................
JASPER Luvluvloved his foreverhome, guys!!
Butt he was totally cool 'bout it, guys. He would just stay up on the top of his tower, plus look down at Me plus Mirabelly, then go off to the Dreamingplace. Yup!!
Even Mirabelly's crazybananas goofballery was no biggie for him. I do not even think he knew how to get all STRESSED OUT or anythings, guys!! Not even!! He was even waymore mellow than ME!! Bleeve it!! ........................
JASPER was a dedicated man of leisure -just like me!!
Plus he was SOOOOOOOOOOOO handsome, don'tchathink!!?? IKNOW!! Me too!! Plus Mirabelly too TOO!!
Everybuddy luvluvloved to hang out with him, plus to rub his fuzzies, plus to just stare into his 'mazing lookingmarbles!! Yes!! Basically he was made out of MAGIC, guys!! I am not even joshing. We would sit a 'round for sooperlongtimes talkings 'bout GENTLEMAN THINGS like fashionclothes, plus politicklings, plus even fancy yummysummies!! It was the BEST!! .............
Jasper plus his Mum were supposed to be together for sooperlongtimes, guys. Waymorelonger than only (five) yeartimes. Butt... that could not happen... I guess. I still do not even get it.
See... nobuddy knew there was any healthiness prollems with Jasper. Nope. He was sooperhealthy allatimes. Butt peoples say RAG DOLL kitties can have some prollems with their HappyHearts. Plus if they do.... it can mean they say byebyes allasudden. With no warnings at all. Yes.
So... one nightynightimes, BarbaraB was watcherating her T.V. Box, when Jasper mosied into the TVbox room same as every other nightynightimes. It was the times when he would jump up with his Mum to watch their most favouritist picturemovies. So... she patted the chestercouch next to her to let him know it was times to skootch on in to make a cozypile.
Any other nightynightimes, when she patted the chestercouch, he would jump up, plus sit with her for sooperlongtimes. 'Cuz he luvluvloved to. 'Cuz he luvluvloved his Mum so much.
Butt... *sigh* ...not this nightynightimes..........
Jasper did not jump up, guys. He looked into his Mum's eyes, said his byebyes, walked real casual to behind the chestercouch, then... he was gone.
"Sorry, Mum. Sorry my HappyHeart did not work so good. I wanted to stay with you. I wanted us to be together forever plus everever, butt... now I have to go.
Shanksh for alla the lovings. For being such a good Mum. For giving me such a beautiful foreverhome that I luvluvloved so much. You filled my Heart with Happy every daytimes.
You are my favourite of everybuddy. I miss you already, Mum. Plus... know my wonky Heart
hurts waymorelots 'cuz I have to leave you than 'cuz I was sickybicky. I... JUST LOVE YOU". ...
Nightynightimes, Jasper...
You are such a good boy. Don't worry 'bout your Mum, K? K.
The Brindlebunch is gonna be real close for whenever she needs anythings, K? Promiseface.
I.... Golly.... there is so much hurtings in my HappyHeart, I don't know what to say. It's ouchie.
I am gonna miss you, Jasperpal. Mirabelle too. Lots'nlots, Truestoryforrealsnojoshingseriousface.
Butt we will come visit, K? K. Plus your Mum, plus lots'nlots of folks. So.... take real good care of yourselfs, K? Plus say "HI!!" to everybuddy we know who is already there, 'cuz...
everythings is going to be AOK. Yes. Not what we wanted mostofalls maybe,.... butt... AOK.
❤️ Luvluvlove you, buddypal. ❤️
❤️❤️❤️ See you in the Dreamingplace. ❤️❤️❤️
H❤️ H❤️ H❤️