Goodmorningtimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
Great googilymoogily!! Me plus Mirabelle are sooper'cited to see your faceparts, 'cuz wanna know why!!?? 'Cuz everythings is differenter from when got to hang out with you lastimes!! YUP!! .........
See!!?? Out our lookingwindows!!?? ............................
The goober Old WinterMan came to where we live, PLUS.... he broughted lots'nlots of the wintertimes fluffystuff to put allover EVERYWHERES!! IKNOW!! .......................
So that is how come me plus Mirabelly are wearing our cozycoats, guys!! YUP!!
We are gonna take you guys to the outsideplace for a real good looksee, K? K!! So put on your walkingsocks, plus put on your cozycoat, plus prolly a mitten for your brainmelon too!!
ALL SET!!?? OKEEDOKE!! HERE WE GO-GO-GO!! ...............
Firstofalls we have to go OUT our foodroom door!! Yup!! Plus here we are!! That is where our neighbourfriend MARGARET lives, guys!! Looks like her familypack broughted her a CRISPYMESS TREE!! That is the coolist!! .................................
Nextofalls we gotta go DOWN THE CROOKED HILL to.............
Check it out, you guys!! Fluffystuffs is everywheres!! .........................
Truestory for reals the Old WinterMan is a goober, butt....... sorta looks PRETTY too, amirite!!?? .......
I am wonderthunking what it looks like everywheres else in our neighbourhood!! ......................
Whatchathinkingthoughts, guys!!?? Wanna have a looksee at everythings OUTSIDE our 'roundthebackyard!!?? ................................
OKEEDOKE!! Butt stay close, K? K!! There is rollycars doing slipslidery out there for crying out Pete!! ..............................
Oh!! There is SKYROLLER BLOO on the end, guys!! He is still asleeping and stuff, so let's not get him wakeywakey just yet.....................................
THERE is our foreverhome, guys!! Looks pretty good in the fluffystuff!! Sure does!! ..................
Can you see!!?? MISS LISA putted up some decorational ornabits for everybuddy to see!! .............
THIS SIDE TOO!! Looks 'mazing!! .....................
Plus here is what the rollycar road looks like THISAWAYS............
Plus THATTAWAYS too!! .........................
Guys!! Guys!! Wanna see how some other decorational ornabits!!?? There are some soopernice ones in our neighbourhood!! Seriousface!! You will see!! ........................
Like at THIS Foreverhome right 'cross the rollycar road from where we live!! This foreverhome is one of my most favouritist!! Yup!! Pop likes it too!! Maybe ONE daytimes we will move in to there!! Maybe!! ............................
Anyhoozle....... this foreverhome has lots'nlots of nice decorational ornabits!! Even on its leafytrees and stuff!! ............................
Pretty nice, amirite!!?? YUP!! Pretty much!! ........................
Mirabelle likes that one too, butt she likes a whole differenter one just littlebits farther a 'way!!......
Can you see, guys!! Mirabelle likes THIS one lots'nlots too!! Me too TOO!! Just lookit alla those REEFS, guys!! That's like almost........... ELEVENTY REEFS!! ................................
Plus we wanna show you just ONE MORETHERS too, K? K!! ...........................
Check out THIS One, guys!! This foreverhome has a for reals CRISPYMESS TREE outside the frontparts, plus lotsa sparkelights, PLUS.......
Can you see!!?? In the lookingwindows on the right-paw side... can you see alla the HOLIDAYTIMES HOWDYCARDS!!?? Yup!! THis familyapck does it every yeartimes, guys!! I LIKE IT!! ...........................
Shanksh, guys!! That was sooperfun for reals!! Yup!!
Now is the times for us to fill our bellies, butt we are gonna see you latertimes, K? K!!
Have some fun, plus take good care of yourselfs, plus 'member to wear a mitten on your brainmelon 'cuz it is pretty chillybilly out here!! Sure is!!
HappyMerryMondaytimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
❤️❤️❤️ Luvluvlove you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️
H❤️ H❤️ H❤️