How is everybuddy this shinynew morningtimes!!?? Doing AOK!!?? Soopergood, even!!??
Sure hope so firstofalls, 'cuz me plus Mirabelle luvluvlove you guys, plus also 'cuz it is pretty NICE in the outsideplace!! Sure is!! It is gonna be a perfectal daytimes for having HappyFunTimes!!
WeatherWizard says prolly there will be rainingdrops latertimes though, so... GET TO THE OUTSIDEPLACE 'fore everythings gets soakered, guys!! Yes!! OH. That 'minds me!! ...................
MOE is our shinynew BarberBot!! Yup!! He just moved into our rollycar slumberbarn, plus now his job is to give our 'roundthebackyard free haircuts and stuff!! Pretty cool, amirite!!?? .................
'Course MOE is a ROBOT, so he has rollywheels, plus spinnny stuff, plus moverators plus a bunch of scienceparts in his brainmelon too!!
I do not know much 'bout 'roundthebackyard robots, butt.... I like Moe!! Yes!! I have soopergood feelings 'bout him taking care of our 'grassycarpets and stuff!! ...........................
MUMUM brought him to our foreverhome, plus Pop helped put him together!! Yup!! Pop's are good like that, guys!!
Now everybuddy in our whole entire buildinghouse is sooper'cited 'cuz MOE is gonna keep our grassycarpets all looking soopersnappy!! Yup!!
Everybuddy 'Cept FOR ONE PERSON THAT IS!! ..............
Mirabelly is not so sure 'bout MOE, guys!! Not even littlebits!! ..........................
Butt prolly she will change her thinkingthoughts after she gets to know him better!! Prolly!!
Looks like his longname is MOE R. REMINGTON!! Sounds 'portant!! I am thinkingthoughts his familypack is sooper rich with dollarpennies, butt he wants to be a soopersuccessful business-type robot all on his own!! Yes!! He is gonna do it the oldentimerfashion way: Giving grassycarpet haircuts!! ...................................
I like that he wears a backpack, guys!! Prolly that means he is going to learningschool somewheres!! Prolly!! Prolly he is doing brainlearning in.... robot science, robot business, plus also HAIRCUTS. Prolly!!
Sure hope he has times for alla his homework and stuff!! Golly!! ................................
Just wanted you guys to meet MOE 'fore he goes to work, guys!! Our grassycarpet is starting to look like a HIPPIEPERSON with soopershaggy greenery everywheres!! Truestory!!
'Course Mum plus Pop say we can't be in the 'roundthebackyard when MOE is working onna 'count of him using soopersharp spinnyscissors and stuff, so we are gonna go back to the insideplace for our yummysummies!! Yup!!
So have a 'MAZING Thursdaytimes, plus 'member to not forget: GET TO THE OUTSIDEPLACE 'cuz rainingdrops are gonna be here soon, K? K!!
HappyHappyThursdaytimes, everybuddy!! 😊😊😊
😊💜 See you latertimes!! 💜😊
H💜 H💜 H💜