After 5 years, 14+ thousand online friends and over 5 thousand posts, Archibald Flubberford Brindleton has retired from social media. Here is the entire post describing why from his MUM plus POP. H❤️H❤️H❤️
Archie and his Fire Safety Partner, Firefighter Jason Poole!
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All tagged Archie plus Mirabelle
After 5 years, 14+ thousand online friends and over 5 thousand posts, Archibald Flubberford Brindleton has retired from social media. Here is the entire post describing why from his MUM plus POP. H❤️H❤️H❤️
Guys!! It is WASHMANAUT daytimes, so alla our comfybeds are getting scrubbadubbed!! IKNOW!! Butt… ‘fore it is nightynightimes, we wanna share with you one of our most favouritist picturemovies from ‘couple yeartimes a ‘go!! It is a real fancy one from when we went to ELORA GORGE!! You will see!! H❤️H❤️H❤️
HappyMerryThursdaytimes, guys!! Sure is soopernice to see your faceparts!! Sure is!! You guys ready for some neighbourhood-style exploradventuring!!?? OKEEDOKE!! Then put on your walkingsocks ‘cuz me plus Mirabelle are gonna show you alla ‘round where we live and stuff!! You will see!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
GOODMORNINGTIMES GOODMORNINGTIMES, EVERYBUDDY!! It is almostly the weekendtimes PLUS… me plus Mirabelly wanna tell you some sooper’portant informational wordybits is coming soon!! Yup!! Not just yet, butt SOON, so skootch on in so’s you know alla ‘bout it and stuff, K? K!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
GUYS!! Me plus Mirabelly are back on the interwebsnet!! YUP!! Plus... WE ARE IN OUR SHINYNEW 'PARTMENTHOUSE TOO!! I am not even joshing!! So, skootch on in for some catching up plus... PLURPULL DAYTIMES FOR EPILEPSY!! Yes!! Plus...WE MISSED YOU GUYS!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
We made it, everybuddy!! The wet, watery stormytimes is all over, plus now it is times for going to the Dreamingplace!! Yup!! Butt 'fore we go, I have soopercool picturepaintings to share, plus some newsybits 'bout Mirabelle too!! Yes!! So skootch on in so's we can get cozy, K? K!! H💜 H💜 H💜
Check it out, you guys!! We just made the most sooperfun buncha inthesameplacefriends in all of evertimes!! Hee hee!! Plus now me plus Mirabelle wanna show them to alla you guys too, K? K!! Skootch on in 'cuz you are gonna luvluvLOVE them!! YES!! OH!! Plus.... GOODMORINGTIMES, EVERYBUDDY!! 😊😊😊
Nightynightimes, guys!! Me plus Mirabelly are sooperpoopered, butt I am still wanting to share picturestories from my HappyHeartMission to McCormick Home, PLUS... I wanna tell you 'bout when I am gonna be INTERVIEWED ON CBC RADIO!! Yup!! Skootch on in, plus I will totally tell you everythings!! 💜💜💜
Wakeywakey, eggs'nbakey, everybuddy!! Now is the times for having a real good look-see at when me plus Mirabelle got to make shinynew inthesameplacefriends, PLUS... some 'citing informational wordybits 'bout... UNCLE DANNY!! Yup!! So skootch on in plus I will tell you alla 'bout it, K? K!! 😊😊😊
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! Just e'nuff times for a sooperfast one this times 'cuz truestory for reals, me plus Mirabelle have sooperspecial friendlypals coming to visit RIGHT NOWABOUTS!! Yup!! From wayfaraways!! Seriousface!! So we will meet up with you guys latertimes, K? K!! See you in the Dreamingplace!! H💜 H💜 H💜
Guys!! Guys!! Sorry 'bout being full-up with late-liness this morningtimes, butt this picturestory is GIGANTICAL and stuff!! Seriousface!! So get comfy, K? K!! 'Cuz I am gonna show you EVERYTHINGS that hppened when I got n'vited to CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS WITH MISTER MAYOR!! YES!! 😊😊😊
WAKEYWAKEY EGGS'NBAKEY, EVERYBUDDY!! A shinynew Tuesdaytimes starting!! PLUS... I have a buncha picturestories from when Mirabelly plus her friendlyboy MAX did bestiewrestling!! Yup!! OH!! Plus alsotimes.... I AM GOING TO CITY HALL THIS DAYTIMES!! Seriousface!! Skootch on in 'cuz there is lots for sharing with you, K? K!! 😊😊😊
Guys!! Guys!! Mirabelly founded a letterlope in our mailingbox!! YUP!! Plus it had a bunch more letterlopes innit!! YES!! One for ME, One for MIRABELLY, PLUS..... one EXTRA letterlope we are not 'llowed to share just yet!! IKNOW!! What are you thinkingthoughts is innit, guys!!?? Skootch in so's we can figure it out and stuff!! 😊😊😊
Hey, guys!! Did you know!!?? I just went onna sooperspecial HappyHeartMission to VICTORIA HOSPITALHOUSE!! Yup!! So 'fore we all go to the Dreamingplace, I wanna share some picturestories with you, K? K!! Skootch on in 'cuz truestory for reals this one punched me right in the emotions!! Yup!! H💜 H💜 H💜
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! 'Fore we go to the dreamingplace, I wanna share some newsybits 'bout how my Mirabelle is doings, PLUS...... some sooper'citing newsybits 'bout me, Archie Brindleton allaways from CITY HALL!! YUP!! I am not even joshing!! So skootch in guys!! You are not even gonna bleeve it!! 💜💜💜
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! This one is a sooperfast nightynightimes 'cuz of me being so sooperpoopered from alla the 'mazing stuffs that happened this daytimes!! It is crazybananas!! I am not even joshing!! Skootch in, plus I will tell you alla 'bout it, K? K!! H💜 H💜 H💜
Guys!! Seriousface!! It is times for some exploradventuring inna soopersecret park, K? K!! Plus SOMEBUDDY else is gonna come too!! You will see!! So put on your walkingsocks, plus slurp your zoomersjuice 'cuz soon as I am done driverating this ladybug it is gonna be times to GO-GO-GO!! 😊😊😊
Hey, guys!! Just got back from a 'nother FIRE SAFETY MISSION I wanna share with you PLUS... mostest importantal... it is times for getting snuggly with my Mirabelly so's she feels waymorebetter!! Yes!! Skootch in guys!! Let's all make cozypile snugglesnorts, K? K!! H💜 H💜 H💜
Mirabelly is feelings littlebits sickybicky, guys!! So for this Mondaytimes I am gonna share lots'nlots of picturestories from my FIRE SAFETY MISSION to the CHILDREN'S SAFETY VILLAGE BIRTHDAYTIMES PARTY!! You will see!! Plus 'course I will tell you alla 'bout Mirabelly too, so no worrythoughts, K? K!! 😊😊😊