Oh. Hey, guys. 😊😊😊
It is nice to see your faceparts and stuff. Sure is. Yup. I was just sitting here at our FRENCHIE DOORS, reflectorating on alla the stuffs goings on latelytimes. Yes. Did you know!!?? Truestory for reals no joshing seriousface...there has been lots'nlots!!
I was thinkingthoughts 'bout what is happening latertimes in just littlewhiles when I am goings to CITY HALL to get RECOGNIZED BY THE MAYOR!! IKNOW!! It is pretty crazybananas!!
Butt firstofalls... wanna see somethings that is even wayMOREcrazybananas!!?? OKEEDOKE!!.......
IT IS THESE GUYS!! Ha ha!! 😊😊😊
THESE GOOFY PUPPIES are waymorecrazybananas!! YUP!!
It is my Mirabelle plus her bestest friendlyboy, MAX!! .......................
Truestory it is so stinkywarm in the outsideplace, Mirabelle n'vited Max over to do goofballery at our 'partmenthouse!! Yup!! 'Cuz we have a chillerator winterbox robot that keeps it cozycool in here!! YES!! ..................................................
So Mum plus Max's Mum plus me plus Pop all sat a 'round plus waited for these goofy puppies to go crazybananas!!
DIDN'T TAKE TOO MUCH TIMES, GUYS!! 😊😊😊 Hee hee!! ..........................
Mirabelly showed Max where the gigantical puffybed is, then rolled over to show him her belly!! ....
Firstofalls MAX did not know what to do!! I am thinkingthoughts prolly he has not met too many puppies with SAUCE like my MIRABELLE!! Prolly!! Ha ha!!
Butt 'ventually he figured out what Mirabelly was thinkingthoughts, guys!! Sure did!! Then it was...
You will see!! ..................................
Are you seeing what I am meaning!!?? Those goofy puppies are crazybananas when they are inthesameplacefriends, guys!! Ha ha!!
That is awesometimes 'cuz with there being so many stinkywarm degrees in the outsideplace, it is too stinkywarm for Doop Dee Dooping or exploradventuring or pretty much anythings!! Yup!!
So it puts Happy in my Heart that Mirabelly gets to do bestiewrestling with her friendlyboy, MAX. Yes. He is a good boy, everybuddy. Yes. A soopergood boy. ...................................
Anyhoozle....... that was sooperfun for watcherating and stuff, butt my brainmelon is thinkingthoughts 'bout my traveltrip to CITY HALL, guys!! Can you even bleeve it!!??
In just littlebits of times, at 'bout FORE O'CLOCKS, I am gonna be the firstest canine citizen in all of evertimes to get n'vited into CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS to get recognized by MISTERMAYOR!! I KNOW!! ....................................
I am sooper'cited, plus littlebits nervyness, plus sooperdeedooper full-up with proudliness too!! ....
So wish me luckiness, everybuddy!! I have to do practicetimes for my 'cceptance speech!! 😊😊😊
Promiseface there will be lots'nlots of picturestories, plus Mum is gonna make a 'nother picturemovie too, so STAY TUNED For some sneakypeeks prolly for nightynightimes, K? K!!
😊😊😊 See you latertimes, guys!! 😊😊😊
Hope you have a 'mazing daytimes 'cuz that is what this shinynew Tuesdaytimes is alla 'bout!!