Hi friendlyfriends!! 💜💜💜
It is your bestest buddypal, Archie Brindleton - who is me - plus Mirabelly too!! We are here for saying nightynightimes to you!! Yup!!😊💜 ...............................................
Did you know!!?? I was just wonderthunking... how was your daytimes!!?? Did you have HappyFunTimes!!?? Do anythings soperfun for reals!!?? Did you try somethings shinynew!!??
Sure hope so!! Butt if you said "NOPE!!", that is no problemmo 'cuz know why!!?? 'Cuz there is gonna be a whole 'nother daytimes in the morningtimes!! Yup!! You can try a 'gain then!! ................
Mirabelly had a OK daytimes, guys. Yes. Just OK. She had some prollems, butt she did not do too many scritchyscratchings, so that is good!! Yup!! She is getting littlebits waymorebetter every daytimes, plus that puts Happy in my Heart!! Mum plus Pop's too!!
OH!! that 'minds me!! One of my bestest friendlypals sent me wordybits to askerate if I would go onna special HappyHeartMission for her 'cuz somebuddy she has lotsa lovings for was not doing so good!! Her friendlyfriend is in the hospitalhouse feeling sickybicky, plus there was not e'nuff Happy in her heart, guys!!
'Course soon as I saw that with my very own lookingmarbles I said "COURSE!!" Then I put a safetystring on Pop, so we could GO-GO-GO!! ....................
This is me, Archie Brindleton just outside the VICTORIA HOSPITALHOUSE!! Yup!! We are inna big tunnelhall that goes from the parking rodeo to the insideparts of the hospitalhouse!!
Someofthetimes the peoples inside get all nervous when a handsome gentleman puppy visits, so my friendlyfriend 'cided we would all meet here, just for being soopersafe and stuff!! ........................
Makes no nevermind to me, guys!! Nope!! Not even!! 'Long as I get to be inthesameplacefriends with the person feeling sickybicky, it is no biggie, amirite!!?? 'COURSE!!
Now... guys.... just so's you know.... this person is feeling soopersickybicky, so my picturestories are not so good, plus they do not have her faceparts innit or anythings. Nope. But you guys get it, amirite?? 'Course. 'Cuz you guys are the soopernicest. Yes. So anyhoozle.... she came inna wheelychair, plus I got to sit on this wooden hill sooperclose to her!!...................
Then we got to hang out and stuff!! We did lotsa talkings 'bout the NatureMama, plus how 'mazing it was in the outsideplace, plus how latertimes, when she is feeling waymorebetter, maybe we could hang out WITH The NatureMama!! Yup!! Was soopernice!! ...............................
Latertimes I made this picturestory of alla her friendlyfriends plus familypack who came to give her HappyHeartHugs too!! They are full-up with worrythoughts for her guys, butt you can see alla the lovings they brought for her too!! Sure can!! It was allover everywheres!!
OH!! plus that is my friendlyfriend MARINA in the bottom right-paw side, guys!! She is the soopernicest for reals!! ....................................
Basically that is what it is alla 'bout, guys....amirite, or amirite?? Sharing HappyHeartHugs plus extra lovings with peoples who need some. Yes. Feels real good. Plus I am hoping my HappyHeartMission helperated even littlebits. Sure do. Plus I am hoping too that we get to be inthesameplacefriends a 'gain one daytimes!! That will be the BESTEST!! ...........................
Anyhoozle.... I was thinkingthoughts it is tough when you have worrythoughts for somebuddy you have lovings for, butt who is real sickybicky, guys. You know!!?? Like me, Archie Brindleton, plus Mum plus Pop 'bout our Mirabelle. Mirabelly is not inna hospitalhouse or anythings, plus we know it is gonna be AOK, butt..... I get it. It is tough.
So..... it is like I say allatimes, guys:
Do not wait to take care of yourselfs, K? Take soopergood care of yourselfs NOWabouts, plus ALLatimes 'cuz know why!!?? 'Cuz you can't take care of anybuddy else if you are not taking care of yourselfs, plus.......... helpings to take care of OTHER peoples makes you feel waymorebetter!! Funny how it works like that, amirite!!?? Pretty much!!
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! Plus a sooperspecial nightynightimes to MARINA plus her friendlyfriends, plus to EVERYBUDDY who has worrythoughts for somebuddy sickybicky in the hospitalhouse!! Let's all meet up in the Dreamingplace for cozypile snugglesnorts, K? K!!
💜💜💜 Luvluvlove you guys!! 💜💜💜
H💜 H💜 H💜