All tagged Victoria Hospital
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! Now is the morningtimes when I share with you a differenter kind of HappyHeartMission!! Yes!! This one was waymoreharder than mostly all the rest, butt... That was no problemmo for ME, ARCHIE BRINDLETON!! You will see! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Hey, guys!! Did you know!!?? I just went onna sooperspecial HappyHeartMission to VICTORIA HOSPITALHOUSE!! Yup!! So 'fore we all go to the Dreamingplace, I wanna share some picturestories with you, K? K!! Skootch on in 'cuz truestory for reals this one punched me right in the emotions!! Yup!! H💜 H💜 H💜