Hey Hidey-ho, friendlyfriends!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Great googilymoogily it is nice to see your faceparts!! Sure is!! So much stuffs has been happening, guys!! Truestory so much you would not even bleeve it!! .......................
Did you know!!?? We moverated into our shinynew 'partmenthouse!! Seriousface!!
Plus you are prolly thinkingthoughts...
That is a soopergood questionthought, guys!! Plus basically it is like THIS.....
MUM PLUS POP ARE NOT ALL READY JUST YET!! YUP!! .....................
That is how come we are hanging out in our 'roundthebackyard with you!!
Firstofalls, it is soopernice in the outsideplace this morningtimes!! Not 'zackly cozywarm just yet, butt no joshing WEATHERWIZARD says it totally will be be latertimes!! YUP!! With ELEVENTY DEGREES AND EVERYTHINGS!! That is gonna be 'MAZING!! Plus NEXTOFALLS.............
This is the lastest daytimes for moverating, plus scrubbadubbing our OLDENTIMER 'PARTMENTHOUSE so's our friendlyfriend ANNA can moverate into that one!! YUP!!
THEN.... we will show you guys 'round a 'bit!! Promiseface!! BUTT... even thenabouts there will still be a buncha stuffs for MUM plus POP to do to be all done!! Can you bleeve it!!?? Even after alla the crazybananas hustly-bustly moverating, plus builderating, MUM plus POP are not even done!! That is crazybananas plus crazypajamas too!! Sure is!! ...........................
Mirabelly was not so sure 'bout our shinynew 'partmenthouse for the firstest daytimes, guys!! Nope Not even!! Butt she is doing soopergood nowabouts though!!
Just do some thinkingthoughts 'bout how sooperweird it is to moverate into a 'partmenthouse that is mostly all the SAME, butt 'ZACKLY THE OPPOSITE TOO!! Seriousface!! Our shinynew 'partmenthouse is pretty much the same, butt... REVERSALED AND STUFF!! ...............
Plus it is confussellating 'cuz we still try to go into our oldentimer 'partmenthouse DOOR when we go up the crooked hill!! YUP!! Butt.... we are getting used to it guys!! That is for reals!!
Plus, 'cuz everythings has shinynew rainbowparts everywheres (*everything is getting painted new colours - mostly white - MUM) it looks 'MAZING!! Sooperpretty, plus sooperbright with big piles of SUNSMILES too, 'cuz now we are on the side of our buildinghouse where the sunsmiles get wakeywakey!! YOU WILL SEE!! .............................
Anyhoozle.... it is going 'mazing, so we are sooper'cited to show you latertimes, butt for the nowabouts.... there is a sooperspecial daytimes goings on me plus Mirabelly want to share with you!! Yup!! It is called..........................
What is Purple Day?
Purple Day is an international grassroots effort dedicated to increasing awareness about epilepsy worldwide. On March 26th annually, people in countries around the world are invited to wear purple and host events in support of epilepsy awareness. Last year, people in dozens of countries on all continents including Antarctica participated in Purple Day! ...........
I like THIS plurpull daytimes wordybits picturestory 'cuz they took the wordybit PLURPULL, plus made it into a poemstory and stuff!! Isn't that 'MAZING!!?? IKNOW!!
So maybe wear some plurpull this daytimes, guys!! Yes!! For PLURPULL DAYTIMES, plus also 'cuz it is Mirabelly's most favouritist rainbowpart!! YES!! ..........................
Mirabelly says MUM is calling us, guys!! We came out to do our morningtimes chores, butt nowabouts we are luvluvloving the sunsmiles, plus we do not even want to go back to the insideplace just yet!! IKNOW!!
Even when the insideplace is our shinynew, plus sooperpretty 'partmenthouse!!
THAT is how much we LUVLUVLOVE SUNSMILES!! ..................
So put on some plurpull, plus get to the outsideplace, guys!!
'Least where WE are it is gonna be MAGICALISH in the outsideplace, so if it is like that where YOU are, make sure to smootch the sunsmiles, 'cuz it is so good for you!! YES!! .................
OKEEDOKE!! See you latertimes, everybuddy!! We gotta GO-GO-GO helperate MUM plus POP finish alla the moverating and stuff, butt we will see you soopersoon for more hangout-ery, plus more catchings up 'bout our shinynew 'partmenthouse, K? K!!
HappyMerryMondaytimes, everybuddy!! Plus HappyMerry PLURPULL DAYTIMES TOO!!
This is gonna be a 'MAZING one!! You will see!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
❤️❤️❤️ Luvluvlove you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️