Hey, guys. 😊💜😊💜😊💜
*WHEW* It is soopernice to see your faceparts. Sure is. Can you even see?? Alla my get-up-and-go got up and left!! I am not even joshing!! ................................
It has been a sooperbusy daytimes inna sooperbusy weektimes, so me plus Mirabelle are both all poopered out and stuff!! Yup!!
Just this morningtimes I went onna HappyHeartMission to McCormick Home, then I took special friendlypals visiting allways from the ST.LOUISparts of the AMERICAplace to go DOOP DEE DOOPING in Euston Park, then it was the TECUMSEH SCHOOL FUN FAIR with me in my Fire Safety Uniform!! IKNOW!! ..........................
Our special friendlyfriends from the Americaplace broughted their puppypals too, so Mirabelly did some of the most crazybananas zoomers goofballery I have seen in evertimes!!
I know she had big piles of HappyFunTimes playing with her shinynew Americaplace puppypals, plus we are gonna share picturestories from when we were all inthesameplacefriends real soon, K? K!! ........................
...butt 'fore we mosey on over to the Dreamingplace, have a real good looksee at my HappyHeartMission to McCormick Home, guys!! It was a sooperfun one!! You will see!! ..................
Did you see!!?? I got to be inthesameplacefriends with a whole buncha sooper'mazing peoples who do workerman work there!! Truestory they help make my HappyHeartMissions amayzazing for me, Archie Brindleton, plus alla the soopernice residents too, plus basically EVERYBUDDY!!
Plus did you see what ELSE!!?? I wore my special sparklepin that MisterMayor gifted to me for the firstest times!! YES!! I am full-up with proudliness to wear it, plus I got to tell everybuddy the whole entire story too!! Was sooperfun!! ................................
I almostly forgotted to tell you!! I was just n'vited to get interviewed on CBC RADIO tomorrowtimes 'tween 4oclocks plus 6oclocks sometimes!! Yup!! When everybuddy is driverating in their rollycars!! Isn't it crazybananas how much stuffs is goings on!!?? IKNOW!! Crazybananas plus crazypajamas, even!!
I will tell you morethers 'bout it 'fore I go to get interviewed, K? K!! .................................
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! Hope we see you in the Dreamingplace 'cuz know why!!??
💜💜💜'Cuz we luvluvlove you guys!! 💜💜💜
H💜 H💜 H💜