Guys!! Guys!! 💜💜💜
Wowzers!! Sorry me plus Mirabelle have not been on the 'puterbox so much this daytimes, butt did you know how come!!?? I will tell you!! Yes!! ..................................
There is lots'nlots of fixerational uppery goings on at our shinynew 'partmenthouse!! Yes!! Truestory a workerman was just here builderating in our foodroom!! He is putting inna shinynew wooden hill plus little puddlepond!! Yup!! I will share some picturestories of it for when we get wakeywakey tomorrowtimes, K? K!!
Anyhoozle, there is lots'nlots goings on in our 'roundthebackyard too!! Yes!! Shinynew FENCINGS, a soopercool GATE, a whole shinynew DECK, plus a whole buncha shinynew flowerposies plus shrubbadubs too!! IKNOW!! Basically it is gonna be 'MAZING out there!! BUTT.......
Pop was being a helpful helperman doing DIRTSCRAPING (landscaping) in our 'roundthebackyard!! Yup!! He was doing lotsa shovellational diggery, plus started to builderate a crooked hill out of gigantical boulderblocks!! Yes!!
So anyhoozle... he tried to lifterate one, butt his backparts said -NOT EVEN, YOU GOOBER!!
Then they went "SNAP!!" plus "CRACKLE!!" plus then "POPPITY POP!!"
Then Pop said a whole buncha naughty wordybits I am not even 'llowed to say!!
Sooperloud too!! Yup!! It was pretty crazybananas, guys!!
Butt, me plus Mirabelle plus Mum have been taking soopergood care of him since he shuffled back up to our 'partmenthouse!! Yup!! Mum even took him to get some accupokey!! You should have seen it, guys!! It took him FOREVERTIMES to get to our rollycar, then sooperlongtimes to sit down innit!! I am not even joshing!! Plus after that, Mum gave him some special pharamacandies that make the ouchiness go a 'way too, so now he is waymorebetter!! .............................
*WHEW* What a daytimes, guys!! Amirite!!?? Pretty much!!
PLUS..... I have not even tolded you 'bout us MAYBE getting a SHINYNEW PUPPY UNCLE!! Yup!!
Butt that is a storytimes for maybe tomorrowtimes, K? K!! It is not 'zackly 'fficial yet, butt Mum says MUMUM plus POPOP are gonna 'dopt a puppypal for their 'partmenthouse, so prolly we will get to hang out with him allatimes!! Prolly!! *BUTTWIGGLE*
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! Me plus Mirabelley can't even hardly wait for the tomorrowtimes 'cuz basically eleventy jillion stuffs is goings on allover everywheres!! Seriousface!!
😊💜 See you in the Dreamingplace, everybuddy!! 💜😊
💜💜💜 LuvluvLOVE you guys!! 💜💜💜
H💜 H💜 H💜