Hey, guys! 😊💜😊💜😊💜
Is it nightynightimes a 'gain!!?? Golly!! This daytimes just zoomered on by, amirite!!?? Pretty much!! Anyhoozle... It is nice to see your faceparts and stuff. Yup. Sure is, 'cuz know why?? .............
'Cuz truestory for reals me plus Mirabelle have been thinkingthoughts 'bout peoples we have carings 'bout. Yup!! Peoples like YOU!! 😊💜
This is the times when me plus Mirabelly do talkingtimes 'bout stuff and things and deals that we are thinkingthoughts 'bout from our daytimes. Yes. Just befores we go to the Dreamingplace, we like to share thinkingthoughts 'bout.... all kindsa stuff!! Like......................
...'Cuz it is MENTAL HEALTH WEEK, Mirabelly has been asking lotsa soopertough questionthoughts 'bout how come so many peoples in the marbleworld have sooperhardtimes keeping Happy in their Hearts. Yes. She has been wonderthunking 'bout it.
That is a tough one, guys. Soopertough. Fact is, it is pretty much unpossible to know 'zackly how peoples who have lots'nlots of troubles are feeling. Or what 'zackly it is like to have thinkingthoughts like they do.... or even how come and stuff. Butt... that is not the most 'portantal thing. Nope. Not even. See..... this is what I said to Mirabelly...
UNDERSTANDING is 'portant. Yes. Butt not allatimes is it somethings we get to have. So someofthetimes UNDERSTANDING is not as 'portant as just... ACCEPTING. Yes. .................
So for me, Archie Brindleton....
it is most importantal to just make sure anybuddy who is feeling sickybicky in their thinkingthoughts knows they have friendlyfriends who luvluvlove them -no matter what! That they can do talkingtimes with -no matter when!! Just to help let alla the bad feelings out and stuff!! Plus for them to know it is AOK if the sadliness or worrythoughts don't go all away. There is lots'nlots of helpful helpermans out there who will LISTEN, plus do HELPFUL HELPERINGS to make everythings waymoreeasier too. Yup. Lots'nlots.
LIKE US!! Me plus Mirabelly have gigantical listenator earparts that are perfectal for LISTENATIONAL HEARINGS!! Truestory!! Plus most importantal is that..... just like our friendlyfriends at CMHA.... WE CARE FOR REALS!!
'Bout YOU GUYS. 'Bout our familypack, plus our friendlyfriends. 'Bout anybuddy who is having sooperhardtimes and stuff. YupYupYuppers!! We are not even joshing, guys!! We just want everybuddy to have the bestest chance to be AOK plus have some HappyFunTimes!!.....................
If you, or someone you know, are unable to cope, are depressed, or facing a mental health crisis, call Reach Out at 519-433-2023 or 1-866-933-2023, or go to the
Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Centre at 648 Huron St., London. These services are 24/7.
So.... nightynightimes, friendlyfriends. 😊💜
Plus... 'case you forgot to 'member......
...from the basement of our HappyHearts......
...me plus Mirabelle... plus the whole entire Brindlebunch just want you to know.........
💜💜💜 We luvluvlove you guys. 💜💜💜
😊💜 Yup. Forever plus everever. 💜😊
💜💜💜 See you in the Dreamingplace, everybuddy!! 💜💜💜
H💜 H💜 H💜