Hi everybuddy!! 😊😊😊
Golly!! What a 'mazing daytimes, amirite!!?? For reals!! There was even some thunderboomer stormytimes, butt it was no biggie 'cuz pretty much this Tuesdaytimes was AMAYZAZING!! Yes!! ....................
a whole 'nother thing that is making this daytimes sooper'mazing is the FIRE MARSHALLS PUBLIC SAFETY COUNCIL has made it all 'fficial and stuff that me, ARCHIE BRINDLETON is gonna win a real special award!! Yup!!
It is a FIRE SAFETY ACTION AWARD, plus every yeartimes only 'bout eleventy (approx. 15) peoples plus special groups get one for our whole entire ONTARIOplace!! Truestory!! ...................
Only person who is not so 'cited is my Mirabelle 'cuz she does not get to go!! Nope!! Not even!! It is just not the kinda place Mirabelle would have any HappyFunTimes at, guys!!
There is a big 'ol fancyroom with lotsa peoples in sittingchairs munching from wooden hills, plus there is gonna be a fancy THEATRESHOW, plus a snazzy LUNCHINGTIMES, plus then a sooper'portant AWARDS CEREMONY with peoples from the newsypapers plus TVBoxes too!! IKNOW!! Can you even bleeve I am gonna be there too!!?? NOT ME!! It is crazybananas!!
Check out the 'fficial wordybits from the OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHALL: .................
Everytimes I look at the wordybits I get sooper'cited, guys!! SooperDOOPER'cited, even!!
Plus I can't even hardly wait to see alla the yummysummies they will have for putting in bellies!! Hee hee!! Promiseface I am gonna bring home much as I can for Mirabelle too!! Promiseface!! ....................
Did you know!!?? The nice ladies who called Mum plus Pop to figure out how to get me there, plus make me all comfy and stuff say they will give me lotsa bellyrubbings, plus even give me treats and stuff too!! IKNOW!!
Butt don't tell Mum or Pop, K? K!! Hee hee!! ..........................
It is happening in just 'couple daytimes, plus it is gonna be crazybananas sooperfun!! I am even littlebits 'fraidy and stuff!! It is a big dealio, guys!! Me plus Mum plus Pop plus a sooper'portant friendlypal from the LONDON ONTARIO FIRE DEPARTMENT are all gonna go allaways to the TORONTOPlace!! Yup!! Plus pretty sure I am the firstest puppyperson to win this award!!
Isn't that 'MAZING!!?? IKNOW!! 😆😆😆
Okeedoke!! Shanksh for coming to read the 'ficcial wordybits, guys!! That means lots'nlots for me!! Sure does!! Let's all meet up in the Dreamingplace so's you can tell me alla 'bout how sooperfancy AWARD CEREMONIES work 'cuz truestory for reals no joshing seriousface I have neverever been to one befores for crying out Pete!!
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!!
😊💜 See you in the Dreamingplace!! 💜😊
H💜 H💜 H💜