YUP!! Goodmorningtimes and stuff too!! Me plus Mirabelly are full-up with Happy this shinynew morningtimes 'cuz wanna know why!!?? ..................................
'Cuz truestory for reals we are in our favouritist chunks of our shinynew 'partmenthouse at our most favouritist times too!! Yes!! .......................
'Course it is the MORNINGTIMES, plus this is when the sunsmiles get wakeywakey, plus in THIS here 'partmenthouse the sunsmiles come allaways INSIDE right hereabouts!! FOR REALS!! .............................
YUP!! Here is the bestest part: Now me plus Mirabelly can start alla our daytimes with a nice, invigorating NAP - GETTING SMOOTCHED ON THE BELLIES BY COZYWARM DEGREES!! Basically it is the SOOPERBESTEST!! ................
Even Mirabelly LUVLUVLOVES it, guys!! YES!!
She hardly everever rolls over to show her belly, butt she will do it for MORNINGTIMES SUNSMILES!! Sure will!! Hee hee!! ................................
OH!! Plus.... what I really, really reeeeeeeeeeeeeeelly wanted to show you guys is my SHINYNEW INTERWEBSNET CLUBHOUSE!! Check it out!! ..........................
(* Archie's blog can be found at
Bookmark it so you can find it easily!)
The frontest door looks like THIS now, guys!! Isn't that the coolist!!?? IKNOW!!
Plus when you clicky-click on the ENTER BRICK it will take you to my BLOGGERY BITS...............
....... RIGHT HERE!! Yup!!
I am thinkingthoughts it looks WAYMOREBETTER than my lastest one!! Sure hope you say so too!! It is waymoreeasier to READ, plus to mosey a 'round in too!!
Butt.... I want to show you one part maybe peoples will not know how to use, K? K!! Point your lookingmarbles up in the toppest part of the RIGHT-PAW SIDE!! See the little lines sitting on top of each other!!?? Let's get waymorecloser.............
( The three horizontal lines stacked on top of each other in the top left)
CAN YOU SEE!!?? That little buncha lines sitting on top of each other!!?? If you did not know, that is called a HAMBURGER MENU!! IKNOW!! Pretty sooperfun!! Don't try to put it in your belly, though guys!! It is not yummysummies like it sounds!! Butt... if you clicky-click onnit, it will show you............
...alla THIS stuff!! Yup!! Plus you just clicky-click on the teensy "X" to make it all disavanish a 'gain, guys!! SOOPEREASY!!
Basically I hope you like this interwebsnet clubhouse waymorebetter, 'cuz it is getting sooper'portant for us to have a real nice one that is easybreezy to visit and stuff!! ....................
See... that is 'cuz a whole buncha peoples are mad at FAYBO (Facebook), so they are leaving forever plus everever. I get it, guys. Those goobers did some bad stuffs, butt also peoples have been leaving 'cuz they are not having HappyFunTimes there anymores. Too many grumpyfolks go there to bark at each other and there is lots'nlots of not so fun storytimes there too. It can be a bummer if you are not soopercareful, you know!!??
So, for everybuddy who is thinkingthoughts they will maybe not go there anymores -for however why- I wanted to make soopersure we can still hang out, plus share HappyHeartHugs and stuff, K? K!! So 'member to not forget how to get there, guys!! 'Cuz you are ALLATIMES N'VITED!! YES!!
Sure hope you like it!! Sure do!! 'Cuz wanna know why!!?? ........................
'Cuz ME plus MIRABELLE plus MUM plus POP plus the whole, entire Brindlebunch...
❤️❤️❤️ LUVLUVLOVE YOU GUYS!! ❤️❤️❤️
HappyMerryThursdaytimes, friendlyfriends!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
😊❤️ See you latertimes!! ❤️😊