Hey, guys!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Hope you had a soopernice Thursdaytimes and stuff. Sure do. Plus did you know!!?? This nightynightimes is sorta differenter onna 'count of Mum is goings a 'way tomorrowtimes sooperearly!! Yup!! She plus AuntieN are traveltripping to the TORONTOplace to make a picturemovie!! .........................
Plus that means Mirabelly is gonna sleeperate with MUM inna differenter place so when she gets up sooperdeedooper early she does not wakeywakey me plus POP. Then she will just bring Mirabelly real qiet-like to where we are for snuggling with us 'till the sunsmiles come up!! YUP!!
So for THIS nightynightimes, there is finallytimes a PERFECTAL'a 'mount of roominess in the BIGBED, guys!! Don'tchathink!!?? ME TOO!! Now I can make a seriousface COZYPILE!! .....................
Psssssssssssssssst. *WHISPERSOUNDS*
Mum plus Mirabelly are alreadytimes in the Dreamingplace, guys. Yes. So just whispersounds in here, K? K. 😊❤️
Just lookit those faceparts, everybuddy. Truestory if you stayed over, that is what you would see the whole, entire nightynightimes!! Hee hee!! ................................
Anyhoozle...... Pop took me plus Mirabelly for a sooperlong walkingtimes allover everywheres so I can't even tell you how poopered we are!!
Like........... we are crazybananas................ tucker......duh.....................z...z..z..z...z..z.z.zzzzzZZZZZZ...
WHA!!?? Great googilymoogily!! I almostly went to the Dreamingplace on you guys!! GOLLY!!
Anyhoozle.... nightynightimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
Come meet us in the Dreamingplace in littlewhiles, butt no zoomers goofballery this times, K? K!! Just lots'nlots of cozypile snugglesnorts!! YES!!
❤️❤️❤️ See you in the morningtimes!! ❤️❤️❤️