Hey, guys!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Can you tell!?? Can you tell I am feeling lotsa feels in my belly like flutterflies going crazybananas and stuff!!?? 'Cuz, truestory for reals no joshing seriousface... I TOTALLY AM!! .................
That is 'cuz our MIRABELLY is going allaways to the GUELPHplace sooperearly TOMORROWTIMES for having surgerystichery!!
YUP!! It is one plus one half hourtimes a 'way, so Skyroller Bloo is gonna have to get us GO-GO-GOING sooperearly to get us there on times, 'cuz it is gonna happen just after ATE OCLOCKS!! YUP!! ....
I know in my brainmelon that this doctoranarian is soopergood, plus everybuddy at his hospitalhouse is soopernice, plus Mirabelly even likes it there lots'nlots, butt........
I can't even help it, guys!!
I am having lotsa worrythoughts 'bout my Mirabelly!! Alls I want is for her to come home to our 'partmenthouse all AOK plus even waymorebetter than befores!! .....................
That is how come prolly I am not gonna get to go to the Dreamingplace THIS nightynightimes!! Prolly!!
'Cuz of alla the goober flutterflies in my belly and stuff, youknow!!?? IKNOW!! ....................
PLUS... I was having worrythoughts that Mirabelle would be getting all 'fraidy and stuff too, butt.....
Butt.... seriousface, she does not even give a care!!
Mirabelly is the most BRAVEST puppy I have seen in all of evertimes, guys!! I am not even joshing!! .....................
Dunno if I can be brave as my Mirabelly, butt....
I am her big brother, so I am gonna give it my BESTEST tries and stuff!! YES!!
Plus, if you go to the Dreamingplace, plus I am not there yet 'cuz of goober flutterflies, can you guys hang out with Mirabelly plus give her lotsa snugglesnorts plus HappyHeartHugs and stuff!!?? Prolly she could use lots'nlots!! Prolly!! ...........
Anyhoozle..... shanksh, guys. You are the BESTEST. For reals. 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
OH!! Just so's you know........'cuz of alla the rollycar drivingtimes there plus back, plus there a 'gain, plus back, we are not gonna be on the 'puterbox too much tomorrowtimes, butt promiseface I will tell you everythings soon as I know, K? K!!
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😘❤️😍❤️
❤️❤️❤️ Luvluvlove you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️