The Brindlebunch is prolly not gonna be on the 'puterbox for this daytimes, guys!! We had to get up crazybananas sooperearly to take Mirabelly allaways to the GUELPHplace for her surgerystichery!! YUP!! So wishowish her luckiness and stuff, K? K!! SHANKSH, EVERYBUDDY!! H❤️H❤️H❤️
Well, guys…. tomorrowtimes is alla ‘bout Mirabelly’s SURGERYSTICHERY to help her breathings get waymorebetter!! I am feeling flutterflies in my belly, so I dunno if I am gonna get to go to the Dreamingplace so much, butt I know SOMEBUDDY who is not ‘fraidy at all: MIRABELLE!! Truestory!! H❤️H❤️H❤️
IT IS THE WEEKENDTIMES, EVERYBUDDY!! Skootch on in so’s I can tell you ‘bout where Mirabelly choosed to get her surgerystichery, PLUS… where you can hang out with ME tomorrowtimes in my FIRE SAFETY UNIFORM!! Yup!! Both are gonna be sooper’mazing and everythings!! H❤️H❤️H❤️