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Park Review #572:


Snort Index Rating:

4.5 SNORTS!!


  • Sooperdooper beautifullish!!

  • Gigantical puddlepond!!

  • ‘MAZING wildertrail!!

  • Picklenick tables!!

  • TOO parking rodeos!!

  • VISITED on April 25, 2017 !!

Truestory this park is a good chunk of ways a 'way, guys!! It took ROCKY more than a whole hourtimes to get to there!! Yup - BUTT IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT!!

Can you see!!?? Basically it is won, gigantical puddlepond with a wildertrail that goes allaways ‘round!! I was not so sure ‘bout that, butt it totally DOES, guys!! You will see!!

Okeedoke!! Here is where we founded it, guys!! Butt this is actually PARKING RODEO NUMBER TOO!! Yup!! Butt no worrythoughts ‘cuz I will show you the firstest won too!! No problemmo!!

Parkmaster General Archie Brindleton making sure no-one is staring at his buttparts.

Goodmorningtimes, everybuddy!! Sure hope you are having a nice daytimes and stuff!! Sure do!! Did you know!!?? I am SOOPER’CITED to share this park review with you ‘cuz wanna know why!!?? ‘Cuz this daytimes was perfectal, plus this PARK was perfectal, plus going to here put so much Happy in my Heart it pretty much ‘sploded everywheres!! I am not even joshing!! This is ‘ZACKLY the flavour of park I luvluvlove to find ‘cuz it is not won of the sooperfamous wons that everybuddy knows ‘bout!! NOPE!!

‘Course, those wons are cool for me to see and everythings, butt it is the waymoresecret-y wons that turn out to be just as ‘mazing that get me all ‘cited with buttwiggles!! YUP!! Plus guys … THIS is won of those parks!!

It is Northways from my forest city. ‘Bout an hourtimes a ‘way. Yes. Outside an oldentimer teensytownsburg called SHAKESPEARE. YUP!! Named after BILLY SHAKESPEARE who wore crazybananas collars plus who wroted lots’nlots of storyplays wayfarback in oldentimesdays!! That guy!! It is on the side of a big rollycar road in the middleparts of almostly nowheres. When you get to what I am callings PARKING RODEO NUMBER TOO, this is what you will see firstest, guys!!

😊😊😊 ** BUTTWIGGLE ** 😊😊😊

Great googilymoogily!! I am so ‘cited to show you!! Hee hee!! ………………….

Okeedoke!! So truestory this is a pretty shinynew parking rodeo that is almostly a circle, guys!! Yes! It has a real nice picklenicking barn with only the hat parts on top, plus boulderocks allways ‘round so your rolllycar does not fall in the puddlepond. Yes. Plus guys … IT IS PRETTY. Like sooperdeedooperpretty here!! Yes!!

When me plus my Pop went, it was a perfectal daytimes with cozycool blusterpuffs, butt cozywarm sunsmiles all at the sametimes!! Soon as I jumped out of Rocky, I said “AWESOMETIMES!!” Yes!! This is what you see if you stand in the mddleparts of the parking rodeo plus spin ‘round nice’nslow ………….

Did you see!!?? It was nice, plus clean, plus real easy on the lookingmarbles, guys!! Butt this is just the startingparts!! It gets even waymoreprettier too!! Seriousface!! Butt that is for littlebits latertimes, guys!! Firstest, lets check out that picklenicking barn, K? K!! …………..

Basically it is perfectal for picklenicking or maybe some partytimes, or you can just put your buttparts in there when there is rainingdrops and stuff!!

Truestory I was not so sure if this little chunk was gonna be the whole, entire park, guys!! That would have been AOK, butt - NOPE!! There is so much more for exploradventuring!! THAT is alsotimes how come I had so much sooperfun!! ‘Cuz I kept finding waymorelots to see plus DOOP DEE DOOP allover!!

Anyhoozle … I was not so sure what to check out nextest, so I had a looksee at the wordysign!! …………

How ‘bout that puddlepond, guys!!?? AMIRITE!!?? sooperpretty plus soopershiny on this perfectal, sunsmiley daytimes!! Yes!!

Like I was sayings, I did not even know how big this park was, plus I did not know that THIS was not even the ‘fficial wordysign!! Nope!! Facteroid is, I was not for sure this park even HAD a ‘fficial wordysign, ‘cuz this won is just ‘bout how they are giving this park lotsa lovings for making it waymorebetter and stuff!! THAT put Happy in my Heart, guys!! Sure did!! ‘Cuz this park is alreadytimes THE COOLIST!!

So I did my poserating with the wordysign, then used my lookingmarblres for investigational lookery. Yes. ‘Cuz I am a professional and stuff. Plus THAT is when I founded ….. A WILDERTRAIL!! Yup!! …………

There was no wordysign or anythings to even say here WAS a wildertrail, butt I sawed a ‘nother picklenick table wayfarback in the wilderwild, so I went to check it out!! ………………

Then I founded a whole ‘NOTHER picklenick table even waymorefarther in!! Yes!! THAT is when I knowed that tthis was a wildertrail that goes ALLAWAYS ‘ROUND THIS PUDDLEPOND!! YUP!!

Plus guys …. I WAS ‘CITED!! Just lookit!! We are only teensyways in, plus isn’t it so ‘mazingly beautifullish alreadytimes!!?? IKNOW!! Plus ‘cuz went in the FALLingdowntimes, The Naturemama is putting ‘mazing rainbowparts allover on alla the leafytrees and everythings!! AMAYZAZING!!

My Heart was alreadytimes fullup with Happy, butt then I founded somethings even more sooperfun - WALKINGBOARDS!! ……….

YUP!! I am thinkingthoughts THIS is what that wordysign was 'alla ‘bout, guys!! Getting dollarpennies to trade for alla these stickybits to make more WALKINGBOARDS!! Maybe!! Prolly!! YUP!!

Anyhoozle … now we were totally DOOP DEE DOOPING wayfar back in the wilderwild, plus ‘mazing, beautifullish stuffs was EVERYWHERES!! You will see!! ……………


Did you see!!?? The wildertrail was sorta skinny ‘till you get to the backparts of the puddlepond. Then it got waymorewider, plus looked waymoredifferenter, guys!! Plus when I got to ‘bout halfways ‘round, I founded ….


My brainmelon was thinkingthoughts “GREAT GOOOGILYMOOGILY!!” SOMEBUDDY HAS BEEN WATERING THIS BOULDEROCK LIKE CRAZYBANANAS!!” Ha ha!! Butt then I ‘membered ‘bout somethings I brainlearned!!

Did you know!!?? Boulderocks get WAYMORESMALLER the more oldentimer they get!! YUP!! They are like the opposite of juniorpeoples!! It’s SCIENCE, guys!! Plus I am wonderthunking how oldentimer this guy is!!?? Maybe even as oldentimer as my Pop!!

Ha ha!! Just joshing, Pop!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️

So the the wildertrail got sorta moredifferenter a ‘gain after this, guys!! Yes!!! Prolly this nextest chunk was the waymosthardest. Not TOO tough or anythings, butt … prolly only for ADVANCED BEGINNERS. Yes. You will see!!

OH!! Plus this chunk is where we founded a stickybridge too!! Was sopernice!! have a looksee, guys!! ……………

Isn’t this park magicalish, guys!!?? Like elflings or hornicorns live here or somethings!! Hee hee!! ………..

Is everybuddy having HappyFunTimes!!?? 😊😊😊

Sure hoping so, ‘cuz truestory for reals no joshing seriousface I am having the BESTEST times Doop Dee Dooping with you!! Yes!! Plus I am hoping everybuddy gets to come to here won daytimes ‘cuz bleeve you me, it will fill your Heart with Happy too!! PROMISEFACE!!

Okeedoke!! Nowabouts we are coming ‘round the other side of the puddlepond, guys!! Yes. The wildertrail gets real wide, plus easybreezy, plus the wilderwild is waymoreeasier to see in this chunk!! ……………

How ‘bout THAT, guys!!?? Isn’t it ‘MAZING how differenter the wilderwild can get all in the same ‘zact park!!?? IKNOW!! The Naturemama is basically a GENIE-US, guys!! She prolly has the mostbiggest brainmelon of all, don’tchathink!!?? Prolly!!

OH!! Here is the chunk where we came out of the wilderwild!! Now we are almostly allways ‘round, guys!! There is no leafytrees in this nextest chunk, so you can get a real good looksee at the SHAKESPEARE PUDDLEPOND!! ……….

ooooOOOoooo, amirite!!?? Pretty much!!

Plus this is ‘bout where I started to figure out this park has TOO parking rodeos!! Seriousface!! Plus that the won Rocky is waiting in is a shinynew won!! On THIS side of the puddlepond, there is lotsa grassycarpet, plus lotsa roominess too!! ………………

Did you see that robot that eats sunsmiles!!?? Pretty cool!! I have not seen won like that befores!!

Anyhoozle … THIS is where I founded PARKING RODEO NUMBER WON, guys!! ……………….

Isn’t that ‘MAZING!!?? IKNOW!! Plus more picklenick tables plus lotsmore grassycarpet, plus alla this chunk is real good for lookerating at the puddlepond too!! There is even some ‘membering stuffs for peoples who went over the bridge that are teensy wordysigns next to treefoots!! Yup!!

Then I founded the POOP CLOSETS!! …………..

SORTA!! Butt alsotimes, NOTSOMUCH!!

The wordysign on the poopclosets say “closed for the seasonings”, butt guys …. there are shrubbadubs growing alla’round where the doors should be!! I am thinkthoughts that wordysign is FIBBING!! Yes!! Prolly it has been a longwhiles since these poopclosets worked, plus that is pretty much the ONLY thing that is not perfectal ‘bout this park!! I even founded the ‘FFICIAL WORDYSIGN FOR CRYING OUT PETE!! ………

YUP!! Plus the lastest chunk I founded was real close to the wordysign, too!! It was a ‘nother teensy wilderpath that takes you allaways back to where ROCKY is waiting for us in Parking Rodeo Number Too!! You will see!! ………..

There is no shadybits in this chunk, butt there sure is lotsa beautifullishness!! YUP!! Plus you get to lookerate at the puddlepond the whole, entire way!!

Soon as we got to the other side, I did zoomers allaways to where Rocky was waiting so’s I could tell him alla ‘bout it!! This was AWESOMETIMES, guys!! Sooperdeedooper awesometimes, even!! ……….

Shanksh, Park!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️

Golly!! You were basically PERFECTAL!! ‘Zacktly what I luvluvlove to exploradventure in!! Even your wildertrail was the perfectal size and everythings!! Plus ‘cuz you go ‘round, you don’t have to see the same stuffs to get back out!! PLUS if you wanna go waymorefarther, you can just go ‘round a ‘gain!! YES!! I am thinkingthoughts we are gonna be BESTIES for sooperlongtimes now, Park!! Yup!! Truestory if your poop closets worked, plus if there was even a teensy place for cooling off my undercarriage in the puddlepond, prolly you would be a FIVE SNORT RESORT!! Seriousface!! Butt only ‘cuz of those ‘couple things, I am giving you a SNORT INDEX RATING OF ….

(4.5 SNORTS OUT OF 5) !!

Shanksh, everybuddy!! Sure hope you had a ‘mazing times ‘cuz no joshing I had a ‘mazing times sharing this park review with you!! Sure did!! Plus just goes to show you neverever know what you are gonna find ‘till you find it!! So keep exploradventuring, plus Doop Dee Dooping where you are and ‘member to not forget:



Archibald Flubberford Brindleton,