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Park Review #598:


Snort Index Rating:

4.0 SNORTS!!


  • The nicest wildertrails!!

  • A burblecreek real close too!!

  • Plus a YETI HOUSE, guys!!

  • Visited on Oct. 12, 2020 !!

This park lives in the citytownsburg called WOODSTOCK, guys!! Yup!! Plus we got to exploradventure ‘round this won on the same ‘zact daytimes as CHARLIE TATHAM PEACE PARK (#595) plus CEDAR CREEK PARK (#590)!! Basically, alla the parks we sawed that day were pretty awesometimes!!

It is a pretty big chunk of place, plus you can see, the wildertrails twisty-turny allover everywheresthrough the leafytrees!! YUP!! There is even a burblecreek, so I was thinkingthoughts if THIS park would be as ‘MAZING as CEDAR CREEK PARK ‘cuz THAT won was a FIVE SNORT RESORT!! Turns out this won is pretty ‘mazing, butt …. not THAT ‘mazing!! You will see!!

Here is where you go-go-go to get to the Parking Rodeo, guys!! YUP!! Butt no worrythoughts ‘cuz the workermans are not there anymore!! NOPE!! Everythings was AOK when we went!! OH!! Plus I did not know this park had TOO (2) ways in, butt I will tell you ‘bout THAT in just littlebits, K? K!!

Here is what the ‘fficial wordysign lookerates like!! It ismade of stickybits, butt like alla the wordysign we sawed in the WOODSTOCKplace, it is soopernice for reals!! Easy for readerating is what I am sayings!!

Parkmaster General Archie Brindleton attending a fancy party hosted by The Naturemama

Hey, everybuddy!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️

It is soopernice to see your faceparts a ‘gain ‘cuz wanna know why!!?? ‘Cuz for THS here Park Review, me plus Mirabelly are gonna take you guys back to the WOODSTOCKplace to see a ‘nother soopernice park that is real good for DOOP DEE DOOPing in!! Yup!! It has a weird name and stuff, butt … it is still pretty cool!!

‘Course I luvluvlove my Forest City the mostest, butt truestory I was sooper m’pressed with the parks we got to see in the WOODSTOCKplace too!! Yup!! So’s we were ‘cited to check this won out for reals!! Anyhoozle … let’s pretenderate you guys are in ROCKY, our rollycar with me plus Mirabelly, plus that we just zoomered allaways to this park altogether, plus then we jumped out in the Parking Rodeo to see THIS!! ………….

The WOODSTOCK place is pretty seriousface ‘bout their park wordysigns, amirite guys!!?? IKNOW!! This won is like a teensy peoplehouse with brickleblock feets, plus a tinseltin hat and stuff!! Pretty cool!! Plus the picturemap onnit is ‘MAZING!! Sooperdooper easy for getting a real good looksee at the whole, entire wildertrail!!

YUP!! This park is alla ‘bout the wildertrail, guys!! The picturemap says pretty much that is all there is to do plus see in here, so we are gonna DOOP DEE DOOP allaways ‘round the whole, entire thing, K? K!! ……….

Plus even from the very startingparts you can see this Wildertrail is just like the won at CEDAR CREEK PARK!! Real smooth, plus real wide, plus real easy for DOOP DEE DOOPing!! YUP!! Even peoples in wheelychairs can prolly DOOP DEE DOOP this wildertrail, so that is AMAYZAZING!!

Okeedoke!! ‘Cuz of what we sawed on the picturemap, we are gonna stick to the right-paw ways every times there is an intersectional chunk, guys!! YUP!! Plus that will prolly take us the waymostlongest way ‘round so’s we can see the most chunks, K? K!!

All ready!!?? All set!!?? Then let’s go-go-GO!! ……………


Okeedoke, guys!! Here is our firstest intersectional chunk, so … stick to the RIGHT PAW way, K? K!! ………

Whoop!! Here is a ‘nother won, guys!! RIGHT PAW way a ‘gain, then back to Doop Dee Doops!!


Whoa!! Somethings differenter is here at this chunk, guys!! Looks sorta kinda like a PARKING RODEO for workerman robots!! Yup!! Pretty much!!

Plus there is a buncha peoplefolks in here too, so let’s make sure we do not get too squishelled up in here ‘cuz of the crummyvirus and stuff, K? K!! …………….

Okeedoke!! We got through that chunk easybreezy ‘cuz everybuddy was soopernice, plus moved outta the way for us!! Yes!! Everybuddy is real polite that we are meeting in the WOODSTOCKplace!! I like it!!

Hey!! Guys!! Can you see!!?? A ‘nother fancy wordysign with a tinseltin hat is coming up!! ………….

That is WEIRD!! I was thinkingthoughts fancy wordysigns like this are only at the startingparts where you come in!! Butt … there is won wayfarout over here too!!?? I don’t even - OH!! Now I get it!!

Lookit over THATTAWAYS, guys!! Behind you and stuff!! ……………

A whole ‘nother way in!!

Soopercool!! Plus THAT won goes allaways under a rumbletrain road!!

I did not even know this way in was here, guys!! Nope!! So I askerated the GOOGLEBOT what it lookerates like on the other side!! Sure did!! Plus THIS is what he shared with me!! …………

So there is no PARKING RODEO for this way in, guys!! It comes out inna neighbourhood full-up with peoplehouses and stuff, but if you lived close to here, prolly this is how you would get in!! Prolly!!

Anyhoozle …. we are pretty much allaways ‘round to the farthest chunk, guys!! The wildertrail is prolly gonna start to go-go-go back the left paw ways nowabouts!! Prolly!! ………..


Hey guys!! This park is soopernice, plus sooperclean, plus this here wildertrail is getting lotsa lovings ‘cuz it is in ‘MAZING shape, butt … did you know?? There is not much for seeing plus doing in here!!

‘Member CEDAR CREEK PARK with all the chirpybird houses we could look for, plus how the burblecreek was allover everyewheres, plus ‘member the soopercool WALKINGBOARDS!!?? IKNOW!! This park does not have anythings like that stuff, plus …. it is just lots’nlots of the same looking -……

GUYS!! …… WAITAMINNIT!! Can you see!!?? Hiding in the leafytrees over THEREABOUTS!!

WHOA!! Can it be for reals!!?? I am thinkingthoughts ……….

YUP!! Guys!! We just founded a …



AWESOMETIMES!! Let’s check it out!! ………………..

This is the coolist!! I was just thinkingthoughts this park was kinda snoring when allasudden … outtanowheres … WHAMMOKABLAMMO!! We totally founded a YETI HOUSE!! …………….

Hellooooooooo!! Anybuddy home!!??

It is Archie plus Mirabelle!! We are friendlypals of BJORN THE TENNIS YETI!! Prolly he tolded you ‘bout us!!?? Prolly!! ………..

RATS!! Nobuddy is HOME, guys!!

Golly!! Now my brainmelon is going crazybananas!! I am wonderthunking WHO lives in this YETI HOUSE!!?? Are they nice!?? Do they know BJORN THE TENNIS YETI!!?? Do they have any SNACKS!!?? Dunno!!

GUYS!! 😮😮😮

Maybe it is a LADY YETI!! Maybe she can be sweeties with BJORN and stuff!! Maybe!! That is sooper’citing!! Truestory I am gonna ‘memberize where this Yeti House is, plus tell Bjorn soon as I see him nextest times!! YES!! …………..

Okeedoke!! THAT was pretty ‘citing for reals, guys!! A YETI HOUSE!! GOLLY!! You do not see those just everydaytimes for crying out Pete!! NOPE!! Not even!!

Anyhoozle … back to the DOOP DEE DOOP SONG, K? K!!


OH!! Hey!! Finallytimes!!

There is the BURBLECREEK, everybuddy!! Let’s go-go-go have a looksee!!


It is totally a nice burblecreek and stuff, plus the rainbowparts (*colours - Mum) allover everywheres are making this whole, entire park look magicalish, butt … this Burblecreek is not easy for getting to, guys!!

So fars, there is only won chunk you can get to, plus even that won is not like alla the wons at CEDAR CREEK PARK!! Nope!! Not even!! Oh, well ….. aaaaaaaaaaanyhoozle … back to the DOOPING!! ….


GUYS!! Can you see!!??

Somethings is hiding in that leafytree over THEREABOUTS!! …………….

YUP!! Butt lookit!!

Somebuddy is not so happy with the 2020times, guys!! GOLLY!! Not even littlebits!! Better leave that thing-y right there so’s their WISHOWISHINGS will come true and stuff!! Yes!! ………………………….


WAITAMINNIT!! Guys!! Are my lookingmarbles seeing what I am thinkingthoughts they are seeing!!??

YUP!! …….


YES!! I luvluvLOVE these things!! Never in alla my evertimes have I seen walkingboards like this kind, guys!! Not ‘till I reviewed CEDAR CREEK PARK that is!! Nope!! THAT park had gigantical tons of them allover!!

This park just has a teensy chunk, butt still … THEY ARE THE COOLIST!! …………

Okeedoke, you guys!! We are getting sooperclose to the endist chunk ‘cuz …. YUP!! I am seeing the firstest intersectional chunks coming up a ‘gain, so … GOOD JOB, EVERYBUDDY!! You did a ‘mazing job at DOOP DEE DOOPING allaways ‘round this here STANDARD TUBE PARK!! YES!!

Great googilymoogily!! I am still not used to that sooperweird name and stuff!! Ha ha!! ………….

Anyhoozle ….. ROCKY is just over THEREABOUTS!! Hiding behind the leafytrees and stuff!! Can you see!!??


“SEE!!?? I tolded you we would, plus we made it a ‘gain no problemmo, buddypal!! Hee hee!! “

OH!! Hey!! Guys!! Check out what the robot in our Pop’s sillyphone said we just did and stuff!! ……….

We just DOOP DEE DOOPed fo almostly TOO whole clickometers!! Pretty ‘mazing!!

Shanksh, Park!! 😊❤️

Truestory you are not a FIVE SNORT RESORT ‘cuz lotsa your chunks are ‘zackly the same, plus there is not so much shadybits or chunks for hanging out with your burblecreek, BUTT … you are sooperclean plus soopereasy for exploradventuring in, plus you have your very own YETI HOUSE, so’s for those reasonings, I am giving you a SNORT INDEX RATING of….

( 4.0 SNORTS OUT OF 5 ) !!

Shanksh, guys!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️

A sooperbig shanksh for you guys too, K? K!! It is my most favouritist thing for sharing all these Park Reviews with you, plus maybe won daytimes you will get to go to the bestest wons too!! Maybe!! Prolly!! Yup!! Anyhoozle … there is only just a couple of my (600) Park Reviews left, so don’t miss out, K? K!! lus ‘member to not forget: If you are feelings BLOO or … IF YOU WANT TO FIND A YETI HOUSE …



Archibald Flubberford Brindleton,