Just a teensy park - OR IS IT!!??
Benches for buttparts!!
Canadaplace flappyflag!!
Cut in half by … PEOPLEHOUSES!!??
Snort Index Rating:
2.0 SNORTS!!
Thamesford, Ontario, Canada
This park was only ‘bout won half of won hourtimes a way, guys!! No biggie!!
Butt it is REAL close to a sooperbusy rollycar road!! TRUESTORY!!
No fencings, either, guys so …. SAFETYSTRINGS ON, amirite!!?? YUP!!
Hi guys!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
It is your Frenchiefriend, Archie Brindleton the Parkmaster General of my Cnadaplace back for sharing a shinynew PARK REVIEW!! Yup!! plus this won was part of the big pile that got LOSTED, so it is from allaways back in the 2016times, guys!! I am not even joshing!!
This park is called DR. KOSMAL after a soopernice Doctoranarian who took real good care of everybuddy in the THAMESFORDplace wayfarback in the 1950times and stuff, guys!! YUP!! Everybuddy had so much lovings for him, they named this here park after him!! I KNOW!! That is the coolist!!
Basically this is just a nice, teensy chunk of place that is mostly like a CITY-TYPE park, butt there is some stuffs that is kinda weird plus MYSTERIOUS-ISH too!! YUP!! Plus now is when I tell you all ‘bout it, K? K!! …….
So mostly this park is SITTING ON YOUR BUTTPARTS AREA, guys. Yes. With a ‘couple benches for buttparts, plus a Canadaplace flappyflag in the middle!! Pretty nice and stuff for reals!!
Butt there is a littlebits of grassycarpet too, so I went to check out alla that too!! ……………
Pretty much no biggie a ‘gain, guys!! Butt that is when …. ALLASUDDEN … FROM OUTTANOWHERES … WHAMMOKABLAMMO!! I founded a wordysign that confusselled me!! ………….
Did you see!!?? That wordysign says 102 ALLEN STREET!! IKNOW!!
Nope!! Not even!! It is on DUNDAS STREET!! So I was thinkingthoughts … WHAT IN THE MARBLEWORLD!!?? So that is when I had to do some investigational thinkery, guys!! Plus lookit this picturemap for seeing what I am talkings ‘bout!! ………………..
ALLEN STREET is the won that goes up plus down, guys!! The wordysign is on DUNDAS STREET - the won that goes lefty-righty!!
There is alsotimes a puppypark just ‘round the corner on ALLEN STREET. I have alreadytimes reviewed that park!! Yes. Plus there is other peoplepark stuff there too, butt when I reviewed that puppypark, I thoughted the other peoplepark stuffs was part of the puppypark!! ‘Cuz there was no wordysign over there!! Butt guys … NOT EVEN!!
Looks like this is ALL part of DR. KOSMAL PARK!! Butt what is so confusellating is that there is PEOPLEHOUSES IN BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT CHUNKS OF PARK!! It is basically crazybananas!! You have to walk ‘round the corner next to rollycars to get to the other chunk!!
Anyhoozle … I am counting THIS chunk as DR. KOSMAL PARK, plus alla the other stuff as part of the THAMESFORD DOG PARK, ‘cuz that is what makes the mostest sense to me, guys!! JUST SAYIN’!!
Shanksh, park!! You are like a sooperweird puzzle thing-y, butt was sooperfun to figure you out!! Even though there is not much goings on here, I am giving you 2 SNORTS for making me use my brainmelon!!
Shanksh, everybuddy!! Hope you are having a soopernice daytimes, plus ‘member to not forget:
Parkmaster General of Canada,
Archibald Flubberford Brindleton