This park was HIDING, guys!!
It was not on any picturemaps!!
Not even a parking rodeo!! Nope!!
VISITED Aug. 27, 2017!!
Snort Index Rating:
2.5 SNORTS!!
St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
This park was in the very next citytownsburg called ST. THOMAS!! Yup!! Butt NOT ON THE PICTUREMAP!!
It is a weird sorta shape, plus it is real close to ROLLYTRAIN roads, guys!! Truestory!!
There is no PARKING RODEO, so everybuddy basically put their rollycars on the grassycarpet!!
In the ST. THOMASplace they have teensy wordysigns for their parks!! BUTT I FOUNDED IT ANYHOOZLE!!
Plus there are SWINGYCHAIRS, guys!! I tried them out, butt Mirabelly said … “NOPE!!” Hee hee!!
It is Parkmaster General Archie Brindleton who is me comin’ atcha with a shinynew Park Review!! Yes!! Truestory it is a ‘nother won that disavanished longtimes a ‘go, butt MUM founded a ‘gain inside a wonky ‘puterbox, so FINALLYTIMES I get to share it with YOU!!
It is in the nextest citytownsburg over called ST. THOMAS, plus even though it is sorta teensy, with only littlebits to see plus do, what made THIS Park sorta interestingal is that … IT WAS NOT ON ANY MAPS, GUYS!! Nope!! The GOOGLEBOT did not even know it was there!! BUTT NOW IT DOES!! ‘Cuz I sended in a buncha my picturestories, plus I said … “HEY GOOGLEBOT!! YOU TOTALLY MISSED A TEENSY PARK IN THE ST.THOMASPLACE!! SERIOUSFACE!!” So soopersoon it will be there so everybuddy can find it and stuff!! YUP!!
Anyhoozle … this park is sorta teensy, plus it is a weird kinda shape, plus it is real close to ROLLYCAR ROADS on won end, plus real close to ROLLYTRAIN ROADS on the other!! So basically what I am sayings is … SAFETYSTRINGS ON, GUYS!! Yes!! ……………..
Can you see!!?? There is only ‘couple things for checking out here, butt … this park is still pretty nice!! The grassycarpet was real greeeeeeeeen plus in the wayfarbackparts you can see a soopercool buildinghouse where rollytrains used to go!! YUP!! Plus did you know!!?? My MUM made a picturemovie of peoples getting HITCHERATED in there won times!! Seriousface!!
So there is a pretty cool monkeyclimber, plus swingychairs, plus stuffs like that, butt the most interestingal thing we founded was a teensy buildinghouse for ‘memorings, guys!! Have a looksee, K? K!! …………….
Neato, amirite!!?? I like it’s PIRATE RED HAT!! IKNOW!! Plus there is lotsa wordybits on this here buildinghouse that are alla ‘bout the oldentimesdays of ST. THOMAS!! YUP!! Plus how it went from a teensy FARMINGHOUSE on this very chunk of place, to “THE RAILWAY CAPITOL OF CANADA!!” Isn’t that the COOLIST!!?? IKNOW!!
Butt I did NOT even know THAT is how come this park is here, guys!! That is sooper’portant informational wordybits for knowing and everythings!! Now it is in my brainmelon forever plus everever!! Yup!!
After doing lotsa readerating HERE, me plus Mirabelly went to check out the MONKEYCLIMBER!! …………..
That is a soopercool won, guys!! Not the most gigantical I have seen in evertimes, butt still pretty cool with a boulderock wall for monkeyclimbing and everythings!! ‘Course me plus Mirabelly are not so good at climberating like that ‘cuz WE DON’T HAVE ANY THUMBS, FOR CRYING OUT PETE!! It’s science!!
After THAT, we moseyed ‘round, plus checked out the oldentimer ROLLYTRAIN ROADS!! ………….
It is sorta nice there, guys!! Plus …. pretty sure rollytrains do not come here anymores, butt alla this rollytrain stuff is sooper’portant to the ST. THOMASplace, so they take real good care of it for historical reasonings!! YES!! I am gonna show you some OTHER sooper’portant rollytrain stuff from the ST. Thomasplace a whole ‘nother time too, guys!! You will see!!
OKEEDOKE!! after having a real good looksee at everythings ELSE, that is when me plus Mirabelly founded THE SWINGYCHAIRS!! Was sooperfun for reals!! YUP!! ‘Course our Mirabelly will NEVEREVER in all of evertimes get into a swingychair, butt I say they are sooperfun!! ……………
Was sooperfun, plus sooperdooper interestingal for my brainmelon to meet you plus brainlearn ‘bout how come you are there!! Yes!! ‘Course you are too close to rollycar roads, plus rollytrain roads, plus there is not so much for puppies to do, plus no wet, waterystuffs for cooling off undercarriages, BUTT… ‘cuz of your cool oldentimesdays storytimes, I am giving you a SNORT INDEX RATING OF ….
(2.5 SNORTS OUT OF 5)!!
Shanksh, everybuddy!! Me plus Mirabelly hope you are having a soopernice daytimes, plus if you are feeling bloo or your legparts are getting dusty, then make sure you ….
Archibald Flubberford Brindleton,
Parkmaster General of Canada