Special spot for lookerating!!
Nice, roundish parking rodeo!!
There is even a POOP CLOSET!!
Some sculture thingys for βmembering!!
VISITED Nov. 27, 2017!!
Snort Index Rating:
2.0 SNORTS!!
Parkhill, Ontario, Canada
There was a bunch of traveltripping times to get to this won, guys!! Almostly a whole hourtimes and stuff!!
It is not so big, plus it is MOSTLY PARKING RODEO!! IKNOW!! Butt still interestingal!!
Here is what you will see when you get to there, guys!! Not so much - βtill you have a real good looksee!!
Hey Hidey-ho, everybuddy!! πβ€οΈπβ€οΈπβ€οΈ
Shanksh for readerating my shinynew Park Review for the PARKHILL COMMEMORATIVE WOODS plus SCENIC LOOKOUT!! Did you know!!?? This is a βnother park I had to brainlearn the GOOGLEBOT βbout!! YUP!! It was not even on the picturemaps, plus Googlebot put the name of a whole different place were this park was sβpposed to be!! IKNOW!! Silly robot!! Me plus Mirabelly went to here wayfarback in the 2017times, butt then LOSTEST my picturestories, so it is sooperfun to finallytimes get to share it with you!!
Anyhoozle, Googlebot is saying I am βzackly correctal, so prolly in a βcouple daytimes they will fixerate their picturemaps real good and everythings, so everybuddy else can find this park, plus go check it out too!!
Basically it is not so big. Yes. Plus there is a big βol rollycar road on won side, plus a gigantical puddlepond on the other!! This is won of those places that you go by allatimes, butt neverever stop at βcuz it does not look like so much, butt like I say allatimes - YOU GOTTA GO CHECK IT OUT, GUYS!! βCuz you neverever know what you will maybe find, amirite!!?? βCOURSE!!
So there is a buncha stuffs for talking βbout, butt the FIRSTEST thing you will see when you get to there is THIS thing!! β¦β¦.
We have founded a buncha these thingys, guys!! At a whole lotta differenter parks and stuff!! YUP!! These triangularish sculpturethingys mean this park is getting lovings from the LIONβS CLUB!! Yes!! So that is soopercool, butt β¦ βfore you get sooperβcited, this club does not have any for REALS Lions innit, guys. Nope. It is just regular-type peoples who do nice things. Not as cool, butt β¦ still pretty cool in different ways!! Yes!!
After we founded this thingy, me plus Mirabelly had a real good looksee allover this here chunk of place. Yes. Here is what we sawed, guys!! β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦.
Basically it is a loopy-type Parking Rodeo, with won walkingroad to where there is a big sculpture made of boulderocks, plus a big wordysign βbout some leafytrees, plus a POOP CLOSET, plus a teensy wildertrail to where you can sit by the gigantical puddlepond plus have a real good looksee at THE NATUREMAMA!! Yup!!
Oh! Plus we founded some soopercool benches for buttparts too!! Check them out!! β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦
Firstest times I sawed wordysigns like this talkings βbout LIONS, I got sooperβcited, guys!! Sure did, butt β¦ NOPE. It is just regular-type peoples. Butt that is AOK βcuz of alla the stuffs they do to give lovings to little parks like this won!! Plus if not for these Lionpeoples, there would be no poop closet here either!! Just sayinβ!!
Letβs have a real good looksee at alla the stuffs we founded here, K? K!! So on the won side, we founded this here wordysign, guys!! β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦
Truestory I am not βzackly sure what these woods are COMMEMORATING, butt β¦ it is still nice they are getting special lovings and stuff. Yes. Sure would be nice if the wordysigns tell you how come though, donβtchathink!!?? ME TOO!!
Anyhoozle, then we went down the walkingroad to where the sculpture-thingy made of boulderocks was hanging out. THAT won tolded us what it was a βbout and everythings!! Yup!! β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦.
They nβvented this wordysign wayfarback in the 1967 to 1969times, guys!! Yes. To say βYAAAAAAAY!!β for when my Canadaplace builderated the PARKHILL DAMN AND RESERVOIR!! Yup!! So THAT is what the gigantical puddlepond is!! Shanksh, wordysign!!
It says they builderated it to β¦ βcontrol flooding, augment streamflow, provide recreation and improve the environment of the region for future generationsβ!! That is AWESOMETIMES!! Good job, Canadaplace!!
After THAT, me plus Mirabelly moseyed on down the skinny wildertrail to where the SCENIC LOOKOUT was, guys!! Check it out!! β¦β¦β¦β¦.
βCourse when we went, it was almostly the FREEZY WINTERTIMES, so alla the leafytrees had already taken alla their clothes off, butt β¦ it was still soopernice, guys. Yes. Plus β¦ it is prolly even waymorenicer when it is in the cozywarmtimes and alla the greeeeeeeeeeeeenygreens are out and stuff too. Prolly. Prolly we are gonna go-go-go back to check it out thenabouts!! Prolly!! β¦β¦β¦..
Shanksh, Park!! Was soopercool to exploradventure with you, plus it puts Happy in my Heart to brainlearn GOOGLEBOT βbout you, so wayymorelots of peoples can exploradventure with you too!! YES!! THE BEST!!
Butt βcuz you are kinda smallish, plus sooperclose to a sooperbusy rollycar road, plus βcuz there is not so much for doing - specially for puppies - I am giving you a SNORT INDEX RATING OF β¦
Shanksh, everybuddy!! βMember to not forget that it is almostly DOOP DEE DOOP DAY a βgain!! YES!!
So that is the special daytimes for when you are sβpposed to go DOOP DEE DOOP exploradventuring in a park you have neverever been to befores!! Yes!! It is βbout brainlearning βbout the chunks of place all βround you, guys!! Plus discoverational awesometimes with lots exercizery, plus hangout-ery with THE NATUREMAMA!!
So get to a picturemap, find a soopercool place for traveltripping to, plus tomorrowtimes play hooky soβs you can β¦
Archibald Flubberford Brindleton
Parkmaster General of Canada