Elora, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 3.5 SNORTS!!
This is a sooperpretty citypark with the same name as our Victoria Park in my London, Ontarioplace, guys!! 'Cept this one is in the ELORAparts of my Ontarioplace!! You will see!! 😊 😊 😊
Archie and his Fire Safety Partner, Firefighter Jason Poole!
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All tagged Elora
Elora, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 3.5 SNORTS!!
This is a sooperpretty citypark with the same name as our Victoria Park in my London, Ontarioplace, guys!! 'Cept this one is in the ELORAparts of my Ontarioplace!! You will see!! 😊 😊 😊
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! Skootch in real close for watching this sooperfun picturemovie of when me plus Mirabelle went to the ELORAparts of my ONTARIOplace!! Was 'MAZING!! You will see!! 😊 💜
Elora, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 3.5 SNORTS!!
Great googilymoogily this was a sooperbig puddlepond!! Yup!! Plus it is in the bottom of a gigantical hole in the ground you guys!! I am not even joshing!! 😊 😊 😊
Elora, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 2.5 SNORTS!!
This park is in a whole 'nother citytownsburg, you guys!! Seriouface!! Plus it is full-up with artsyfartsy sculpturestatues and a soopertall plus sooperskinny weird-looking guy!! You will see!! 😊 😊 😊
Check it out everybuddy!! We are still having VICTORIA DAY Holidaytimes, so no ASK ARCHIE this daytimes, butt check out some soopercool PICTURESTORIES WITH NO RAINBOWPARTS!! 😃 😃 😃