Park Review #589
London, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 2.5 SNORTS!!
Times for a ‘nother sneaky-type park, guys!! This won is pretty big and stuff, butt it is hiding behind a learningschool for crying out Pete!! IKNOW!!
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All tagged Ingersoll
Park Review #589
London, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 2.5 SNORTS!!
Times for a ‘nother sneaky-type park, guys!! This won is pretty big and stuff, butt it is hiding behind a learningschool for crying out Pete!! IKNOW!!
Park Review #582
Centreville, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 3.5 SNORTS!!
Hi guys!! Skootch on in ‘cuz truestory I am gonna brainblearn you alla ‘bout a nice wilderpark with a puddlepond you can Doop Dee Doop allaways ‘round and everythings!! OH!! Plus MIRABELLY is coming too!! You will see!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Park Review #581
Ingersoll, Canada - Snort Index Rating: 3.5 SNORTS!!
Hey hidey-ho Doop Dee Doop Troopers!! Truestory I do not go-go-go to a whole lotta puppy parks, butt for THIS Park Review, we are going to a soopergood won!! Prolly my most favouritist, even!! YUP!!
Park Review #560
Ingersoll, Canada - Snort Index Rating 2.0 SNORTS!!
Here is my Park Review of a nice, teensy-ish citypark, guys!! Yup!! Plus here is where I got to do lotsa swingery onna old rollycarshoe!! You will see!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 3.0 SNORTS!!
This times for "Parks I Have Been To!!" I got to see a soopernice little-ish park in the INGERSOLLparts of my ONTARIOplace, guys!! Yup!! Plus bestest part was... IT HAS A GAZEBO AND STUFF!! You will see!! 😀 😀 😀
WAKEYWAKEY EGGS'NBAKEY, EVERYBUDDY!! Me plus Mirabelle are exploradventuring at a sooperspecial museumplace, plus I am gonna give you a 'mazing guided-type tour and everythings!! Yup!! Skootch in 'cuz BRAINLEARNING IS NOW!! Hee hee!! 😊😊😊