Goodmorningtimes, guys!! 😊😊😊
HappyHappyFridaytimes and stuff from me plus Mirabelle!! Yes!! Can you bleeve a whole 'nother weektimes is almostly done!!?? Great googilymoogily the times sure do zoomers by, amirite!!?? Sure do!!
Butt THIS morningtimes is SOOPERDOOPER'citing alsotimes 'cuz me plus Mirabelle are PRETTY MUCH SURE somebuddy is prolly gonna moverate in with MUMUM plus POPOP!! Truestory!! PLUS... prolly it is gonna be a puppypal!! IKNOW!! Butt......... we are pretty sure that is not gonna happen 'till maybe the lunchingtimes, SO...............
.......'Till thenabouts, me plus Mirabelle are out in the wilderwild!! This chunk of wilderwild is hiding behind some oldentimer buildinghouse bones so it is perfectal for....
It is just a small chunk of place, so there are no deerpeoples like STEVE in here, or even coyotepeoples, or any regular-type wilderpeoples like that, BUTT.... there is maaaaaaybe TROBBLINS hiding in here!! Yes!! Maybe!! Prolly!! Dunno!! ...............................
Mirabelly luvluvloves to look for TROBBLINS, guys!! Yup!! They are sooperhard for finding, butt 'cuz I am a professional-type exploradventurer, I am pretty much the BESTEST at it!! For reals!!
She says one daytimes she will find one, plus BOP IT IN THE FACEPARTS TOO!! Hee hee!! She is silly like that!! Dunno 'bout face-boppings, butt firstofalls, WE HAVE TO FIND ONE!! Yes!! ..............
They are sooperhard to find onna 'count they are real teensy, plus mostly greensish, plus when they do talkings, they sound 'ZACKLY like blusterpuffs in the leafytrees!! Yup!! They are tricky like that!!
Hardest part is.... when they get 'fraidy, they get TOTALLY UNVISIBLE!! Check it out, guys!! ............
Could be a TROBBLIN over thisaways.............................
...could be a whole bunch over thisaways!! You gotta use your lookingmarbles plus your listenator earparts real good, guys!! Yup!! With CONCENTRATIONAL THINKINGTHOUGHTS AND STUFF!!
Butt bleeve you me.... if there is any 'roundabouts here.... WE ARE GONNA FIND THEM!! Yes!! Then we will find out their names, plus ask them lotsa questionthoughts, plus rub their earparts for luckiness, you know.... science stuff like that. No biggie!! .....................
Anyhoozle...... when we finderate some, I will have to make a picturedrawing to show you 'cuz they do not show up for camerabox picturestories, guys!! Everybuddy knows that!! BUTT................. I will make a picturedrawing that is perfectal so's you can see what they look like and everythings, K? K!!
PLUS.... when we go back to our foreverhome, we are gonna watch sooperclose all the happenings at MUMUMs 'partmenthouse!! Promiseface!! Plus if ANYBUDDY moverates in down there....... WE WILL TELL YOU 'BOUT IT SOON AS IT IS HAPPENINGS, K? K!!
😊😊😊 Okeedoke!! 😊😊😊
Lots'nlots to be sooper'cited 'bout, so let's GO-GO-GO guys!!
See you latertimes, plus 'member to not forget:
😊💜 Let's have some fun and stuff!! 💜😊
H💜 H💜 H💜