Guys. Yes. 💜💜💜
I know it is nightynightimes and stuff, BUTT... truestory for reals no joshing seriousface I have some 'MAZING plus SOOPER'CITING, plus AWESOMETIMES news for sharing with you!! YES!! .......
Seriousface and stuff you are not 'llowed to tell anybuddy 'bout it just YET. Nope. Not even.
Promiseface I will tell you the restofalls tomorrowtimes, plus then it will be all 'fficial and stuff, K? K!! Butt 'till then, me plus Mirabelly wanted to show you..........THIS!! .......
LOOKIT what me plus Mirabelle founded at MUMUM's 'partmenthouse, guys!! IKNOW!!
What are your thinkingthoughts!!?? What does it mean for crying out Pete!!?? .................
There is a PIRATE RED SAFETYSTRING........................
... a soopersnazzy BLOO 'VENTUREHARNESS......................
... a COLLAR with lotsa stylings.........................
PLUS... a TRAVELBASKET for a teensy puppypal!! YES!! 😜💜
BUTT...... None of this stuff will fit me or Mirabelle!! Nope!! Not even!! Plus... MUMUM does not LIVE with a puppypal, guys!! Not just YET, anyhoozle!! So.......
...YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS, AMIRITE!!??................
Prolly it means a puppypal is gonna moverate in with MUMUM plus POPOP!! Prolly!!
(* MUMUM is MUM's MUM and POPOP is MUM's POP)
We are sooper'cited, plus 'specially Mirabelly!! She can't even hardly wait, 'cuz that means more faceparts for bopping!! Ha ha!! Butt seriousface guys, don't tell anybuddy just yet, K? K!! ..................
Our MUM says prolly that MAAAAAAAAYBE a puppypal will come tomorrowtimes 'roundabouts for NOON O'CLOCKS, so if it happens, promiseface we will let you know soon as we can, K? K!!
Okeedoke!! Anyhoozle.... nightynightimes you guys!!
Let's meet up in the Dreamingplace so's we can try to do some sciencethoughts to figure out if MUMUM plus POPOP is for reals getting a new roommate, or if they are just joshing with us, PLUS if it IS for reals, what is this puppypal gonna be like and stuff, K? K!! Let's do it!!
See you latertimes, guys!! OH!! Plus 'member to not forget: