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Park Review #566:


1 Centre Street,
St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
N5R 2Z5

Snort Index Rating:

3.5 SNORTS!!


  • It is wayfarup in the ceilingsky for crying out Pete!! The only won in my Canadaplace!!

  • Lotsa artsy-fartsy sculpturings and stuff!!

  • Plus you have to DOOP DEE DOOP a ways to get to there!!

  • VISITED (originally) on August 26, 2017 !!

This park is sooperneato, plus only ‘bout half of won hourtimes a ‘way, guys!! I have gone to here a whole buncha times!!

There is basically TOO chunks: FIRSTEST) The walkingroad you have to take to get to there, plus NEXTEST) The park!! Both chunks are builded on top of where oldentimer rumbletrains used to roll!!! YES!! Plus the Park chunk is onna oldentimer rollytrain BRIDGE, guys!! Seriousface!! Just lookit!! ………

See what I am sayings, guys!!?? That is what it looks like from your rollycar!! Isn’t that CRAZYBANANAS!!?? IKNOW!! Plus HERE is what it lookerated like when it was n’vented wayfarback in the 1930times!! ……….

* Image taken from the official website - CLICK THROUGH TO VISIT NOW

* Image taken from the official website - CLICK THROUGH TO VISIT NOW

WHOA!! This rumbletrain bridge is almostly as oldentimer as my POP!! Ha ha!! Just joshing, Pop!!

* Image taken from the official website - CLICK THROUGH TO VISIT NOW

* Image taken from the official website - CLICK THROUGH TO VISIT NOW

Plus THIS is what it looked like BEFORES they got started builderating, guys!!

* Image taken from the official website - CLICK THROUGH TO VISIT NOW

* Image taken from the official website - CLICK THROUGH TO VISIT NOW

Plus here is how to get in!! YUP!! There is a backways in too, butt mostly everybuddy comes from thisaways where the walkingroad is, plus the big ‘ol wordysign is too!! YUP!! Pretty neato for reals!!

Hey hidey-ho, friendlypals!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️

It is sooper’mazing to see your faceparts this morningtimes!! YUP!! Plus did you know!!?? I have a shinynew Park Review just for you!! Truestory!! Bestest part is that this park is pretty shinynew too!!

I have been to this park a whole buncha times, so it has been soopercool to watcherate how they n’vented it a couple yeartimes a ‘go for my Canadaplace’s Birthdaytimes (Canada 150), plus how they kept making it waymorebetter every yeartimes!! YES!! Me plus Mirabelly firstest founded this park in the 2017times, guys!! Plus great googilymoogily does it look differenter nowabouts!! You will see!!

Here is a buncha wordysigns with even waymorelots of informational wordybits to brainlearn you with, K? K!! ……………….

Okeedoke!! So basically this park was builderated onna oldentimer rumbletrain bridge called the MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD KETTLE CREEK BRIDGE. Yup!! Plus here is a soopercool picturemovie alla ‘bout it!! ……


Isn’t that AMAYZAZING!!?? IKNOW!! I am gonna show you alla ‘bout what that bridge wayfarup in the ceilingsky looks like NOWABOUTS, butt firstest we have to show you the OTHER chunk of this park, guys!! The WALKINGROAD YOU TAKE TO GET TO THERE!! Yes!!

The walkingroad starts where there used to be a TEENSY rumbletrain bridge. Yes. Plus where the bridgefoots used to be there is a big ‘oil wordysign made of crusty robotparts!! YUP!! Sounds gross, butt no joshing it is real cool, guys!!

Anyhoozle … here is what that that chunk of place looked like when they firstest builderated it!! ………….

Can you see!!?? There is a rampyhill right b’side where the bridge used to be, so the rumbletrains could get over a rollycar road!! You go up-up-up the rampyparts to where the rumbletrain road used to be, plus then DOOP DEE DOOP for a whiles to get to the PARK!!

You can tell you are at the right place ‘cuz of this sooperneato sculpture-thingy made of RUMBLETRAIN STUFF!! Check it out, guys!! ……………

Pretty neato, amirite!!?? Pretty much yup!!

Here is a whole buncha picturestories so’s you can see it waymorebetter, K? K!! ………..

How soopercool is THAT thing, guys!!?? Pretty much the COOLIST, amirite!!?? YES!!

Anyhoozle … you can totally see with your very own lookingmarbles that when they were all done builderating this TRAIL MELON (Trail Head) way in wayfarback in the 2017times, there was hardly any shrubbadubs or anythings, guys!! Butt have a looksee at it NOWABOUTS!! ……….

Isn’t that ‘MAZING!!?? IKNOW!! That Naturemama plus alla her babies have been growing like crazybananas!! Plus did you see where they builderated the gigantical wordysign made of robotparts!!?? Pretty cool too!!

The nextest chunk is the walkingroad you have to DOOP DEE DOOP on to get to the park, guys!! ‘Cuz it was builderated onna oldentimer rumbletrain road, it is pretty much FLATTISH, plus nice n’wide and stuff!! ……..

It is real easy for basically ANYBUDDY to mosey on, guys!! Even juniorpeoples or peoples in wheelychairs and stuff!! Yes!! That is what it lookerated like back in the 2017 plus 2018times, butt they have been adding waymorelots of stuffs to check out since then!! Have a looksee!! ……..

YUP!! Soopercool benches for buttparts plus even that teensy LIBERRY full-up with wordybooks!! That is soopercool too!! If you are all tuckered out on your way to the park, you can stop to read a wordybook!! No biggie!!

OKEEDOKE. Now, guys…. when me plus Mirabelly FIRSTOFALLS founded this park, it was not open yet. Nope. They were still builderating, plus collecting dollarpennies and stuff, so wayfarback in the 2017times it lookerated like THIS ……

There was fencings, plus even barbiewire to keep everybuddy OUT, for crying out Pete!! IKNOW!! So … we waited for a whole, entire YEARTIMES, then went back to have a ‘nother looksee!!

We were luckyducklings ‘cuz lotsatimes it was satill not open, butt THIS TIMES IT WAS!! Yes!! ‘Course they were still builderating, butt it was soopercool to see what they were doing and stuff!!

Truestory it was still sorta sketchy, plus only HALF of the bridge was open!! There was fencings halfways ‘cross, guys!! Plus lotsa the decorational ornabits they were gonna make sculpturings out of were just lying on the ground!! Have a looksee!! …………

Did you know this park is PRIVATELY OWNED, guys!!?? Plus that they builderated EVERYTHINGS with dollarpennies peoples just GIVED to them!!?? (Donations) IKNOW!!

Pretty ‘mazing, amirite!!?? Pretty much!! Plus ‘SPECIALLY when you get to see what it lookerates like NOWABOUTS, guys!! Only just won yeartimes later … IT LOOKS LIKE THIS!! …………

How ‘bout THAT, guys!!?? It is like MAGICTIMES or somethings!! IKNOW!!

Plus they are still not all done just yet!! Nope!! They are gonna keep putting in shinynew stuff to see plus to do and everythings!! My most favouritist stuffs are the artsyfartsy sculpturings that PLAY MUSICSOUNDS!! I am not even joshing!! …….

Can you see!!?? There are TOO (2), butt the interwebsnetsite says there is gonna be FREE (3) sculpturings that make musicsounds, guys!! It is the coolist!! Alls you gotta do is mosey on up to them, plus grab a ballybonker and start bonking the sculpture!! Guys … MUSICSOUNDS COME OUT!! I am not even joshing you!! It is the funnist!! ‘Course our POP had to do the bonking onna ‘cound me plus Mirabelly have no thumbs, butt … still pretty cool!!

OH!! I almostly forgotted!! This park is wayfarup in the ceilingsky, so here is what it is like to point your lookingmarbles over the SIDE!! YES!! …………

The OTHER thing for ‘membering to not forget is that ‘cuz this park is builderated onto oldentimer rumbletrain roads, plus ‘cuz those rumbletrain roads were ALREADY made into walkingroads for DOOP DEE DOOPing and stuff, you can get in from BOTH sides, guys!! YUP!! Butt mostly everybuddy goes to the side I showed you ‘cuz there is lotsa roominess for leaving your rollycar there. Yup!!

SHANKSH, PARK!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️

You are not ‘zackly perferctal for puppies to have big piles of sooperfun awesometimes ‘cuz safetystrings have to be on plus there is not much shadybits or wet, waterystuffs for cooling undercarriages, butt … you are the coolist anyways ‘cuz you are the only park in all of my Canadaplace WITH LEGS!! Ha ha!! ‘MAZING!!

So ‘cuz of that, plus alla the ‘mazing brainlearning peoples can do, plus ‘cuz of how you took a crusty chunk of place, plus made it SOOPERBEAUTIFULLISH, I am giving you a SNORT INDEX RATING OF ………..

(3 OUT OF 5 SNORTS) !!

Shanksh, guys!! Was sooperfun to ‘member alla this stuffs with you!! Sure hope you get to go to here won daytimes ‘cuz it for reals is soopercool how differenter plus special this park is and stuff!! YES!!

So ‘member to not forget how ‘portant exploradventuring in parks can be, K? K!! If you are feeling BLOO or your muskles are getting dusty, it is real aesy to feel waymorebetter!! Yup!! Just …


Archibald Flubberford Brindleton,
Parkmaster General of Canada