Park Review #568:
Snort Index Rating:
3.0 SNORTS!!
Basically TOO chunks. guys:
A field for baseballery!!
Plus a goofballery chunk for juniorpeoples!!
Parking rodeo plus poop closets too!!
VISITED on October 19, 2016 !!
This park is in the DELAWARE place that is just teensy, guys!! Plus it is not even won half of won hourtimes a ‘way!! Yup!! So it was no biggie for finding and stuff!!
This is what the chirpybirds see!! YES!! Mostly this park is for doing baseballery!! Butt there is other stuff too!!
Here is what you see from your rollycar, guys!! This is the corner with alla the goofballery stuffs!! The FUNNIST part for reals!!
Hey guys!! 😊❤️😊❤️😊❤️
Now is when I share my most shinynew park review with you!! Yup!! This here park is from the pile that disavanished a whiles back, butt that Mum founded a ‘gain only latelytimes!! Yup!! It was from allaways back in the 2016times for crying out Pete!! Guys!! That is soooooooo sooperlongtimes a ‘go!! IKNOW!! Butt … I ‘membered to not forget it, so here is everythings I know ‘bout the DELAWARE MUNICIPAL PARK!!
Firstofalls … this park does NOT have a wordysign. Nope. That is a PEEVY PET of mine for reals!! Facteroid is, this park was not even on the GOOGLEBOT’s picturemaps!! Nope!! Silly robot!! So I tolded him alla ‘bout it, plus … NOW IT IS!!
Anyhoozle, the DELAWAREplace is only little, plus has a buncha parks, so this won is not the most ‘mazing. Nope. Butt it is right next to their most busiest rollycar road, plus nextdoor to the DELAWARE COMMUNITY CENTRE, so basically everybuddy goes right by it allatimes!! Yup!! Butt prolly everybuddy is thinkingthoughts it is part of the COMMUNITY CENTRE!! Prolly!! Butt - NOPE!! ‘Course the good part is that the Community Centre has a big ‘ol PARKING RODEO, so that is nice. Yes. Easybreezy for getting to and stuff.
Butt this park is alla ‘bout BASEBALLERY, guys!! Pretty much!! Mostly the whole chunk of place is a field just for doing that!! Have a looksee!! ……………..
SEE!!?? You can tell sooperfast this field for baseballery gets lotsa lovings, guys. Yes. It is in soopergood shape plus there are wordysigns allover from companybussinesses that give dollarpennies to help keep it looking awesometimes. So that is good!! Butt puppies are not so into baseballery, so then me plus Mirabelly did some exploradventuring to check the OTHER chunks out too!! Yes!!
The nextest chunk we founded is allaways in the corner ‘tween TOO rollycar roads, guys!! That part is not so good, butt this is where you will find alla the goofballery stuffs for juniorpeoples. Yup!! You know - a PLAYINGGROUND is what I am saying!! ……..
Basically there is a monkeyclimber, plus slippyslide, plus swingingchairs and stuff. Not ‘mazing, butt pretty good!! Just it is REAL close to TOO rollycar roads ‘cuz it is in the corner, guys!! That part is not so hot!!
BUTT … ‘cuz it is ‘side a field for BASEBALLERY where lots’nlots of peoples go to watch juniorpeoples play, there is fancy POOP CLOSETS too!! ………….
Yup!! Plus it is here at the poop closets where I founded a wordysign that was interestingal ‘cuz I have neverever seen won like it befores!! Nope!! Did you guys see it!!?? It lookerated like THIS!! ……………
I was thinkingthoughts… what in the marbleworld is an “R ZONE”!! Amirite!!?? I did not know, guys!! Maybe it was an “ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ZONE” just for PIRATEPEOPLES or somethings!! Maybe!!
Butt prolly nope, so I askerated the GOOGLEBOT ‘bout it!! YES!! Plus that is when I brainlearned that it is somethings that is only in the COUNTYparts were DELAWARE is, guys!! It is a county called MIDDLESEX CENTRE!! Yup!! Plus here is what the MIDDLESEX CENTRE interwebsnet site said …
The Municipality of Middlesex Centre has a zero-tolerance policy -- the R Zone -- for violence, vandalism and inappropriate behaviour at recreational facilities, community centres, parks and programs.
When you see the R Zone logo, it is a reminder of the zero-tolerance policy, and that it applies to everyone – coaches, parents, players, performers, audiences and visitors.
Then my brainmelon went “OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! I GET IT!!” Plus I like it too!! Basically it is saying “NO GOOBERS PLUS NO GOOBERBUSINESS HERE, EVERYBUDDY!!” Yup!! That is good thinkingthoughts. ‘Course that is basically the same as EVERYWHERE ELSE butt hey, … if putting up extra wordysigns works to keep goobers a ‘way, - AWESOMETIMES!!
After THAT, we founded just little chunks of grassycarpet, plus walkingroads for moseying, guys!! ………….
So this park is not the most ‘mazing-ist, butt prolly real ‘portant to the peoples who live close to here. ‘Cuz of COMMUNITY and stuff. Prolly. So for that, I am giving this park a SNORT INDEX RATING OF …
(2 SNORTS OUT OF 5) !!
Shanksh for being a team player, park!! Plus for giving alla the juniorpeoples a real nice place for juniorpeoples to do baseballery and stuff!! YES!!
Plus shanksh to YOU guys for helping me get waymorecloser to (* 600 PARK REVIEWS!!) It is comin’ up sooperfast and everythings, plus it is getting ‘citing and stuff watching the numberparts changing allatimes!! YES!!
Butt ‘member to not forget ‘bout how much fun exploradventuring in parks, plus DOOP DEE DOOPing in the wilderwild is, K? K!! WeatherWizard says lotsmore degrees are gonna run a ‘way real soon where we are, so ‘fore the OldWinterman comes to be a goober …
Archibald Flubberford Brindleton,