All in Parks I have been to!
St.Thomas, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 2.5 SNORTS!!
Hey, guys!! Me plus Mirabelle found this here sneaky sportypark that is not on any list we could find, butt know what!!?? There is sooperfun monkeyclimbers for playing on in here too!! Yup!! You will see!! 😀 😀 😀
Arva, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 4.5 SNORTS!!
Hey, guys!! Check out this 'MAZING park where puppies are a 'llowed to do zoomers with no safety strings on!! Truestory alla my Frenchiefriends come here to hang out now!! 😀 😀 😀
Delaware, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 3.5 SNORTS!!
This is just a littler conservation area, guys!! Plus it has the wrong name on the mappyparts!! Butt... it is still pretty neato, too!! You will see!! 😀 😀 😀
Delaware, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 4.0 SNORTS!!
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! Let's get some sooperfresh blusterpuffs in our smellerators, K? K!! Come with me plus Mirabelle to SHARON CREEK CONSERVATION AREA!! 😀 😀 😀
Delaware, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 3.0 SNORTS!!
Know what, guys!!?? They got the name of this park just perfectal!! Yup!! It was totally PLEASANT for reals!! You will see!! 😀 😀 😀
St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 3.5 SNORTS!!
Great googilymoogily did this park s'prize me, guys!! It does not look so big, butt truestory for reals it is GIGANTICAL!! Yes!! 😀 😀 😀
Delaware, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 3.5 SNORTS!!
I did not know that the teensy Delawareplace had so many soopercool parks, guys!! Nope!! Butt know what!!?? It totally does!! 😀 😀 😀
Delaware, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 2.0 SNORTS!!
It's a 'nother neato little park for checking out, guys!! Yes!! Plus there is a a whole buncha 'portant historyfacts here too!! You will see!! 😀 😀 😀
This times me plus Mirabelle go allaways out to the ILDERTONparts of my ONTARIOplace to visit not just ONE, butt TOO (2) parks for reviewing!! Yup!! Was sooperfun!! You will see!! 😊 😊 😊
Komoka, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 2.0 SNORTS!!
I totally found this park when I went to see a whole 'nother park, guys!! Yup!! It is pretty cool 'cuz of alla the rollytrains and stuff!! You will see!! 😀 😀 😀
Komoka, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 3.0 SNORTS!!
This park is inna teensy little villagetownsburg called Komoka, guys!! Yup!! Prolly that is why it is called KOMOKA PARK!! Prolly!! 😀 😀 😀
Ridgetown, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 4.5 SNORTS!!
This times SkyrollerBloo took us allaways to the RIDGETOWN, Ontarioplace 'bout a whole hourtimes a 'way!! Was soopercool!! You will see!! 😀 😀 😀
Thamesford, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 3.5 SNORTS!!
Hey, guys!! A sooperspecial friendlypal of mine told me 'bout this park, so I was sooper'cited to have a looksee!! Yup!! Plus now you can too!! 😀 😀 😀
Sparta, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 4.0 SNORTS!!
Yesterdaytimes I got to go to a sooperspecial park wayfarout in the countryparts, guys!! Yup!! Plus there was a sooperfun puppy festival goings on called... DOGTOBERFEST!! You will see!! 😀 😀 😀
St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 3.5 SNORTS!!
ooooOOOoooo!! Guys!! This park is totally a soopersecret that only peoples who live close by know a 'bout - 'TILL YOU READ MY REVIEW THAT IS!! Ha ha!! 😀 😀 😀
St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 3.5 SNORTS!!
This is what happens when me plus Mirabelle visit differenter citytownburgs, guys!! WE FIND PARKS FOR EXPLORADVENTURING IN!! Yes!! 😀 😀 😀
Komoka, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 3.0 SNORTS!!
Me plus Mirabelle went to a whole 'nother citytownsburg to find this pretty little park!! Yup!! Plus it is not too shabby and stuff!! 😀 😀 😀
London, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 3.5 SNORTS!!
Guys!! Guys!! Can you bleeve it!!?? This is my (FIVE HUNDREDTH) Park review!! I do not even know what that means, butt great googilymoogily, looks like a sooperbig number to me!! 😀 😀 😀
London, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 3.5 SNORTS!!
This park was pretty AOK, guys!! Sooperfun, even!! Me plus Mirabelle even founded some secret wildertrails PLUS.... A HOBO HIDEOUT TOO!! Yup!! 😀 😀 😀
London, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 3.0 SNORTS!!
This park is not even all done being n'vented yet, guys!! Nope!! Even the GOOGLE ROBOT does not know 'zackly where it is - BUTT I SURE DO!! Hee hee!! 😀 😀 😀